URL: http://ask.yahoo.com/20060104.html

If you haven't started dropping in to Ask Yahoo! often, you should. A great thing about it is that all questions are available via RSS so you can look questions and answers in your personal RSS reader (I use Sage and Google Homepage).

One question that popped up yesterday was pretty interesting:

What state do the Simpsons live in?


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It is like when the beatles had clues on there albums about paul's death.
The uncertain location of Springfield is a recurring joke in the series. There are 34 states in the United States that have at least one community with that name. Episodes frequently make fun of the fact that Springfield's state has never been revealed, by adding further conflicting descriptions, obscuring onscreen map representations, and interrupting conversational references. There has been much speculation on the location of the state. A web page discussing Springfield's location states that, due to the many contradictory clues, it is impossible for Springfield to exist in any set location.( http://snpp.com/guides/springfield.list.html)

David Silverman, a director for the Simpsons, has claimed that Springfield is in the fictional state of "North Tacoma" (or "North Takoma"). This is substantiated by the state abbreviations NT and TA used within the show. However, this has never been officially confirmed in any canonical episode of The Simpsons or by other Simpsons producers. Homer's driver license displays the state as NT and the ZIP code as 49007 (Kalamazoo, Michigan), although the area codes for Springfield have also been stated as 636 (East-Central Missouri) and 939 (Puerto Rico).

In The Simpsons Movie, the idea that the state cannot exist for real is further emphasized when Ned Flanders identifies the four bordering states as Ohio, Nevada, Maine, and Kentucky, most of which are vastly separated from each other. To promote the movie, various towns and cities across the United States called Springfield competed to hold the premiere of the movie in their town. Springfields from many different states entered the competition. The town of Springfield, Vermont, was elected to host the movie's premiere.


its springfield louisiana because there is an episode where they zoom out of springfield and it is clearly right left of florida and left of texas, which explains the rivers and the trees and the desert to the north and the sea and alot of things

rick schroeder

i know the simpsons ive been to there house for drinks homer got wasted on wild turkey they live in kingston wa.


Here's one for you all to look up. In 2000 there was an episode called "Behind the Laughter". After all the feuding of the family, the announcer clearly states they are a "Norther Kentucky family".


You should read what others have written before writing... they already blew that out of the water two years ago on this thread.

Ewan Fulford

Well threes a sign in Poppa's Got A Brand New Badge (where fat tony's going to go and kill homer) it says on the way there interstate 95 so its on the east coast of america! I 'm really pleased wiht myself for figuring that out.


what about the episode whe there was badlands just outside sprigfeild with oil feilds i say texas which i think explains the hurricane


I saw an episode where someone wrote down a phone number and the area code was 636, which is Missouri


The Simpsons live in the town of Springfield, PA.
-Springfield is a 45 minute drive from Harrisburg (Capital).
-It's 1 hour from the New Jersey shore. -It has a very large water inlet that leads out to the Atlantic Ocean.
-It's about a 2 hour bus ride to New York.
-It shares a nuclear power plant with the town of Limerick (Shelbyville) that they have a strong rivalry with.
-They have their own Minor League Baseball team.
-There is a local brew out of Springfield that you can't get outside the township.

There are a lot of other things that the towns share...I'll have to look them up later.

Flying Chicken

Yeah, but that Springfield dosen't have a harbour.


But which one is it? There are 9 Sprigfields in PA


the simpsons is such a stupid show i can't believe you are all arguing about this..


Then why are you on the website!


It has to be a state that has a beach, as they go there several times.

Cheese man

Heres one, ya know every guy who wrote on the 23rd march, and flying chicken and anonymous from 20th april were all me!!!


the simpsons are obviously from hawaii. this explains why they are all asian, they always wear leis, and why dog the bounty hunter is maggie's real father.


South park shuts down the simpsons there not that funny anymore. Two words. Cripple fight

David Capo

South Park is awesome!!


yes southpark is funny, but this is a website for SIMPSONS FANS!

Dudley McDurmick

Dude, lay of the pot!




go to this website. it gives u all the answers and evidence what state the simpsons live in



Meh, I'm satisfied with North Takoma. Marge draws an X through Florida on a map in which every state except North Dakota and Arizona is crossed off. She then states, "At least we are welcome in North Dakota and Arizona." To which Homer replies, "But Marge, Arizona smells funny." Marge then proceeds to put an X through Arizona. They cant live in Arizona. Their state currently holds death penalty for murder, so it isn't North Dakota.

Hooray for North Takoma!

Cheese man

dis is stupid will somebody please respond to me just say hi in the next box



Funky Fresh

obviously, springfeild is meant to b in any state USA. mayb that's represented by north tacoma. anyway, the producers new that folks like u would over analyze, so they left clues that lead to just about every state (with a springfeild). its middle america. [[hi cheese man]]




Worst thread EVER!!!! The Simpsons are from Canada!!!!! There is no proof at all that they even live in The USA!!!! It's SO obvious it's good ole' Canada. You guys are morons!!!!!


Canada! You're way off course.


canafda! wtf havent u seen the episode were bart ges deph and his pants come down at the usa flag i couldnt see no canada flag and plus the simpsons live on a coast and mountains are there same with desset in west spring and incase u guys havent figured the creator matt groaning said 8 years ago that there isnt any state it is suppose to be a mystery because on the simpsons movie springfield borders these states ohio nevada maine and kentucky no towns or states border them all u guys are retarded fuck!


Just because it shows them living by a body of water doesn't mean it's an ocean. It could be a lake, like the Great Lakes. But it's not Ohio because in the Simpsons movie. Flanders mentioned Ohio as one of the border stats.


they live in a fake state cuz how could west springfield be 3 times the size of texas

Sumo 2

dis is ridiculous i cant believe ur all even looking at this its a joke u sad, sad people


look it doesn't matter.. the whole point is to throw everyone off


No no nooooo listen in the begging opening credits, some episodes have marge in the supermarket with maggie,
Okay.! so when maggie gets scanned there's a number that pops up in the little screen. That number is 847.63 Okay, take away the period and thats an area code. UTAH.! =D

David Capo

Postal code. Not area code.


it's either kentucky or ohio
i'm guessing ohio


its a cartoon. they do not live in a state. in one episode, they say that east springfield is three times the size of texas. since the only state larger than texas is alaska and alaska does not have a springfield it is no state at all. more like anytown, usa. just enjoy the show


its a cartoon. they do not live in a state. in one episode, they say that east springfield is three times the size of texas. since the only state larger than texas is alaska and alaska does not have a springfield it is no state at all. more like anytown, usa. just enjoy the show


sorry that was west springfield


It's obviously a running joke. Here's why.
-Springfield in almost every state.
-Several Springfields near Shelbyvilles
-I-95 runs countrywide
-KBBL (K, instead of W, call letter denotes west of Mississippi River) but Marge almost says Ohio, twice.
-They're near the desert, and it snows.
I could keep going, but the majority of you that are closed minded need to accept and recognize the brilliant recurring joke that is.


using a list of clues from


and reading just about every post on here, i ruled out states that springfield can't be in. i started with only a list of states that actually have a real springfield. for some clues that ruled out states on the list I also considered "hmm, maybe springfield is in another part of the state"

these are the states springfield can be in:

North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota

ps: although this is fun when you are bored, it's really just a running joke!

Sam P.

I just figured out which Springfield the Simpsons live in.
Since there's a Springfield in so many states, you could never tell.

Mr. Burns "We want you to smuggle in sugar from south of the border."
Homer "You mean Tennessee?"

The only two states that have Tennessee as a southern border are Kentucky, and Virginia.

Springfield had always had a rivalry with the neighboring city Shelbyville.

There's no Shelbyville in Virginia, but there is one in Kentucky. Shelbyville and Springfield are only an hour apart, so this must be the Shelbyville that is near Springfield.

So, the Simpsons must live in Kentucky because of its southern border being Tennessee, and containing the two near cities Springfield, and Shelbyville.


in the episode behind the laughter they say that they live in kentucky


I agree with everyone who has said that Springfield is just a fictional town, because it is. It is a total compilation of many different cities in many different states. There have been some very strong clues in some early seasons that it was in Oregon or Northern California, one such episode when they are moving "upstate" so Homer could work for that terrorist. They are driving through a forest and Lisa explicitly says that they are driving through a Redwood forest, and the only place on Earth where Redwood forests exist is California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia (Canada). If you were to speculate, there isn't enough rain for it be in western Washington, and also not enough snow to be in Washington period. If it were the coast in Oregon it would make sense... lack of snow, not as much rain as further north, potential for hurricanes, mountains on the coast, ocean, plus desert in the interior of the state. So I think Matt strongly designed the show after his home state or just slightly outside (northern California).... however, there was one episode where the 'camera' pans out and up into space and it lifts off right around the Louisiana coast, but we know it isn't fashioned after the gulf coast.

As many clues as there are, it's pretty cool to think that it really is just Springfield Anystate. There is a little bit of everything in there, that's what makes the show so much fun. And yes, the writers like to mess with everyone, as many times there have been different state abbreviations inserted after Springfield on drivers licenses and newspapers.

But if I were to surmise... I would have to say Oregon, there are just too many similarities. Nobody has an accent (except Cletus), it is mostly a white (yellow) population, not particularly religious, has a small presence of an Italian community and is also attractive to immigrants (Apu, Kookie Kwan), a mild climate where it doesn't really get hot or cold... you see the 'generic" face that the writers have given the town?

But I still stand behind the whole Redwood forest thing.....


in one episode where nelson throws his birthday party he talks about highway 88 and again in another episode where homer starts to walk a lot the camera zooms out and it looks like its near the middle of the U.S.


i think the simpsons live in kentucky.in one episode were marge banns sugar from springfeild so homer joins an illegal group to smuggle sugar. mr burns says " we are going to smuggle in sugar from south of the border" and homer replies,"you mean tennissi?" and kentucky is north of tennissi


i think they live in virginia! its close to water, new york..n i just saw the new episode last night where flanders n homer were bounty hunters..n they got on the metro. n i live in springfield va n we have a metro out here...i dunno about all the other springfields??


Here's what i think. Its not clear, but I do remember in an episode saying they live somewhere in the midwest. I am thinking in order of what is likely it goes: Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio. I think it is either Missouri or Kentucky, and the clues are so close its hard to pick by reading the posts. I'm okay with narrowing it down to two states.


at the end of the behind the laughter episode, they clearly say family from northern kentucky


I thought one time the former director, David Silverman said that they live in a fictional state called "North Takoma"....but i dont know


I just was watching an episode where homer becomes a security gaurd for the town and the mafia wants to kill him so they show them driving to homers house, there is a sign along the high way that says interstate 95 then a short time later a sign that says springfield and the population, if you look up interstate 95 and springfield on google maps its a town in VA.

alycia =-]

they probly live in Organ... thats where the writer is from(Portland Organ) and alot of there names and street names are the same as in Organ.

In a 2004 Austin Chronicle article, a publicist for the show comments: "Matt had the Simpsons live in Springfield because it was the most common city name in the U.S. The writers 'toy' with the state location constantly, (thus) there is no specified state...."

David Capo

You mean Oregon. Not Organ.


Ok, in the episode where Marge and Lisa are painting eggs, Marge rings some person and the person says, "whats your address."

Marge says 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield..." Then Maude comes in and Marge say, "Oh-hio Maude"

It is definately in Ohio, case closed


I think they live in Mexico. Oh no, sorry, I accidently hit "SAP" on my remote control. Oh no wait, I disagree with myself, it's in China. OBVIOUSLY.


my finger is the world leaning on a bubble

Wolfy The G

In the episode when Bart goes to camp because he needed to be disciplined Marge Said "Oh Homer look! this is the best camp in North Oregon."

Nentum Relnacks




I jst bougth simpsons season 11 and i was watching the last episode of the season behind the lafter.

It says at the end the future looks bright for this NORTH KENTUCKY family but on the subtitles it says SOUTH MISSOURI.

I think this is pretty strange and considering in the movie Ned Flanders says to bart that kentucky is one of the cities bordering springfield my guess is that it is Missouri


I've always thought it was in IL. However I was watching the "Homer Simpson, This is yiur wife" episode. And in the beginning credits when the cashier scans Maggie the price screen says 84763 which is
Rockville, UT 84763. Clue? Idk. Just thought I'd share.


1 thing in a few episode homer roots for such teams as the broncos,bengals and browns cud it be colorado or ohio...also in the episode where marge and homer have lisa and bart chase them around the US and they go over the waterfall doing the naughty...they say that the hotel marge and homer were staying at got hit by a tornado...which means no NY,California,Nevada,Oregon, or Washimgton sorry fellas


In one of the halloween episods, when homer gets cloned, the government guy says "The Homers stared here" and if you freze it, it shows 6 states, so it has to be one of the states...and none are IL

and whats a spam robot?


In one of the halloween episods, when homer gets cloned, the government guy says "The Homers stared here" and if you freze it, it shows 6 states, so it has to be one of the states...and none are IL

and whats a spam robot?


In one of the halloween episods, when homer gets cloned, the government guy says "The Homers stared here" and if you freze it, it shows 6 states, so it has to be one of the states...and none are IL

and whats a spam robot?

jason perkins

The writers toy with three states. Illinois, Ohio and Kentucky. All three are mentioned the most in the Simpsons episodes and all three have a Springfield. They switch up these three states to keep you guessing. If they focused on one state we would all know where they live. Using these three mid-western states, they can keep the mystery alive. They mention living near Chicago on numerous occasions, they mention living north of Kentucky on numerous occasions, and mention Kentucky on numerous occasions including a behind the scenes episodes. Happy to help all of you out.


I personally think it is Texas because in one episode, Homer yells "Go Texas!" when he is in Canada. Also, there is that Texas guy that always shoots his pistols and there are cactuses everywhere when they are driving


I don't know what is their state . in behind the laughter they say that the future looks bright for this nort kentuky family but in papa don't leech Lurleen Lumpkin sais that she's the happiest girl in witch ever side of misisipy this is.So i tink nortern kentuky or misisipy


nope hes right its in kansas it tells you in one episode but also super intendent skinner says its on the left of missouri whenever they look at the school window. (only released once episode)


I'll throw my 2 cents in here. This is merely conjecture, mind you, developed after reading several of the posts here. Connecticut (I'm sure there's evidence to the contrary, so no acidic retorts) seems like a good bet based on their death penalty. There is an episode (no, I don't know the name, I have it on disc though) where Bart befriends Ralph and they visit the old Springfield prison. There is an electric chair in obvious disuse for some period of time (may just be because the prison closed, again this is all hypothetical). Researching the death penalty shows CT changed its method from chair to injection in 1995. A more obscure bit of proof for this is the comment Dr. Hibbert makes to Marge in another episode: "...if this was my last meal, I'd tell the warden Bring on the lethal injection!". This episode aired in 1996.
Minor details, but another fun line of thought to go on. I'm personally of the camp that it's a composite of several states.


And for those who are getting a bit hostile with the "it's a joke", "you'll never figure it out", "ur a <insert poorly spelled insult here>", the purpose of this (at least for educated folks) is to USE YOUR BRAIN to find details of the show that may draw you to a particular state. True, none of these guesses is going to be dead on, but I've certainly been entertained reading all these.
It's called Google. Use it.

Just Brad

The Spirngfield in The Simpsons is a FICTIONAL mid-sized town. I believe that it has no real location. The creator Matt has tried to give out several different clues that don't make sense when put together just so he can toy with our heads. It is still possible that they do live in a particular state however, he has made the location so out of the ordinary so that no one could ever guess where it was.

However if you look at the episode Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes? Herbet (Homer's half brother) is at a ticket booth at a train station to go Homers house. He has a conversation with the ticket agent:

Herb: I want a ticket to Springfield.

Ticket Agent: Springfield, Illinois?

Herb: No.

Ticket Agent: Springfield, Massachusetts?

Herb: No, Springfield (A train whistles past ass he says the name of the State)

A train whistle blows as Herb says the name of the State preventing us from hearing what he said.

It is unknown if that conversation was shown on air however it was in the preliminary script which could actually prove something. The writters may not of wanted to put it to air because they were afraid that It gave away to much.

So I guess you could say that it kinda gives a clue and partly proves that the Simpsons do not live in Illinois or Massachusetts if the writers may of been planning to put it in. If you guys are desperate then you will have to go through all the other Springfields in the United States that are not located in Illinois or Massachusetts and use your clues to find out the answer.

Just Brad

Also to add onto that, go on this website: http://www.simpsonsstate.com/

Look at the map. It shows all the states that can not be the State in which the Simpsons live in which are all coloured in red. All the states in white are the remaining ones.

Underneath, there is a table with each state and it explains why each of the red states have been eliminated with proof from quotes from many different episodes.

Sven Johansson

They live in Springfield Sweden!


I think it's Pennsylvania. The episode where Selma and Abe shack up gives a hint: as the manager of the Springfield DMV, Selma is informed that the new motor laws are held up in Harrisburg--capital of PA. ? :)


In the simpsons movie ned flanders shows bart the 4 states that barder springfeild. maine, kentucky, nevada, and ohio. That is PHISICLY IMPOSSIBLE. They don't live in a real state. Their state bird id the pot-bellied sparrow, and their "State pasta" is bowtie. State flag? Well, it isn't a real state flag. Plus, they say their's a "West Springfeild" 3 times The size of texas.


Fact: the simpsons do not live in a state. For those of you who are trying to figure it out, dont. If you were a real fan of the show you would no that. Reasons why they don't live in a real state 1) one episode they drive to Las Vegas 2) another they drive to Vermont 3) the movie they drive to Alaska ...... do the math...


In "Revenge is a dish best served three times" it says at the end that Homer is from Connecticut.
Also, In one of them, someone says "best in the west coast." Marge replies "But this is the east coast"
Connecticut is the most constant.

One of them, a boy says "I didn't know what state you lived in"
Lisa says "There's been a mystery about that, but if we put the clues together, I think we could figure it out"

So there is an answer.

your all stupid

Most of you are stupid, also in "2 bad neihbors: they say that they are in 1 of the 9 states george bush( SR. you ignorant fucks) but none of those point to any of the clues, so they either live in a made up place, or they move around

and here are states that they can not be in because of stating that they ar enot

florida,Illionis,alaska, hawaii,connecticut



actually the capital is Capital City home of the Capital City Isotopes.

Just Brad

It could be somewhere near Arizona becausse remember in the Kill Gil, Volumes I & II episode. Gil moves to Scottsdale, Arizona. The Simpsons decide to drive there as it is in driving distance. It doesn't take long.

Cleva chik

springfield is not in a real state
they just say that they live in a state to lead you all on a wild goose chase.
the geographical features in springfield change in every episode making it impossible for the springfield to be in any state
the writers just have a sense of humor and love imagining all of you racking you brains and buying simpson dvd's must to find out what state they live in
so stop trying to figure out what state they live in because they live in because they don't live in any state that we've heard of because IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!
live with it


I am watching the episode where Homer uses marijuana medicinally. I am at the part where Homer is at a Phish concert in support of medicinal marijuana and the building it is staged at is distinctly the Art Institute of Chicago.


First of all, the Simpsons most likely don't live in any actual state. The city they live in is probably a combination of all the Springfields in the U.S. That is most likely why they go to specific states so easily. But, if some people don't believe me, I suggest two ways to find the state they live in. First, try watching every episode including the movie and eliminate the states they DON'T live in for sure. Or, you could do a search on the location of every DMV in the U.S. and find ones located in a Springfield. Then you might be able to find the answer.


Well i remember in the simpsons movie they said when they were on the hill you can see the states that border springfield kentucky maine and something else...they do talk about massachusetts alot though

francie johnson

okay this is a tv show

maybe the makers didn't want you to know
where there from. god, it's a freaking
animation show too i mean come on.


David Capo

But it's fun to talk about stuff like this.


yes it is fun, but check out mr. plow! when Homer makes his commercial it shows his PHONE NUMBER. Check the area code! If there is no phone number or area code well i'm sorry! Besides it's not nice to blame a ten year old girl!!!


when you see homers it says NT some people think it means Not telling others think its an imaginary state called north takoma either way go to this sight,www.snpp/guides/springfield/.list.html I think its kentucky.


holy cow yall are some simpson fans aint yall!!! i like santa helper!!


when marge was talking on the phone in one episode and she is asked were she lives and she says Evergreen Terrace, Spriengfield, and then the guy on the phone asks what state, and the same minute Maude walks in and she says ' Oh - hi - ya maude' and it sound like ' Ohio Maude' it sound like a clue to me. But sometimes springfield has a harbor and like that, but in the movie the town is in the middle of the country. That makes pepole wonder


and in what 2 states is it legal to sell kids ? in the episode that bart, lisa and maggie get that babysitter Shary Bobbins, and then Skinner is selling Jimbo Jones and says 'boy for sale!' and then jimbo says' is this legal?' and then skinner says 'only here and mississippi' so maybe there is this other state that it is legal ? but how should i know.. i live not in america although i live very near and speak englis


it missouri


Ive always thought it was CT. Their leaves change in the fall which is pretty much a new england thing. But sometimes when they drive and get lost the road looks like a desert. I dunno if we will ever know for sure. In the movie they are pretty far from Alaska so Id assume they arnt from the north west. Also in an episode where Moe went with the Simpson's to the wordloaf they weren't to far away from VT.

Just Brad

Remember how in episode, "The Italain Bob" Homer gives that mug thing to some old Italian lady for memory and I am certain that it says Kentucky on it. After all, people continously mention that episode where it says that the simpsons are a north kentucky family.

David Capo

NT could mean Northern Kentucky.


in the movie flanders says to bart : 'here are the four states around springfield' and he sayd, Nevada, Maine, Ohio and Kentucky! So it can't be some of those states ! :/ I am starting to think they don't live in an actual state, because all the clues cross each other!


the simpsons live in ohio. In one episode a character is giving his address out and starts to say 'Springfield, Ohio' but instead says 'Springfield, O hi ya midge'

David Capo

Oh hi ya Maude. Not Midge.


IIn the Simpsons episode where Lisa finds out Jebidiah Springfield is a fake-anyway, they go to dig up his grave and throw dirt on Adlai Stevenson's grave-he is buried in Bloomington, IL??????????


It's Missouri, there are tons of St. Louis references that only people from St. Louis would know.

David Capo

It could also be Arizona because in one episode this new girl says Springfield has a weird smell. Then in the episode where they go to Florida, Homer says Arizona smells funny. I think there might be some connection there.

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