URL: http://ask.yahoo.com/20060104.html

If you haven't started dropping in to Ask Yahoo! often, you should. A great thing about it is that all questions are available via RSS so you can look questions and answers in your personal RSS reader (I use Sage and Google Homepage).

One question that popped up yesterday was pretty interesting:

What state do the Simpsons live in?


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Baron von Schnitzelberg

It can't be Missouri because of the episode where Supt. Chalmers says about the moving of the school brick by brick. It's not Alaska, Hawaii, Florida or Delaware because in the Simpsons Movie they move to Alaska and they've visited Hawaii, Florida and Delaware. Can't remember the episodes but I know they have. It can't be Ohio because for some reason (can't remember why) Homer and Marge were going to Dayton, Ohio then decided to go to Miami instead. It's not Nevada because in the episode where Homer and Ned go to Las Vegas, at the end they're kicked out at the state line and begin walking home. It's not Pennsylvania because in one episode Ned moved there. The Simpsons Movie also says that Springfield's border states are Nevada, Maine, Ohio and Kentucky. While those states are nowhere near each other, at least we know they don't live there. In 'Crimson Tide', it shows Springfield harbour is on the west coast, also Springfield has beaches and there's the Sea Captain, proving Springfield is by the coast (or he wouldn't be a very good sea captain). It's not New Mexico because Smithers goes to New Mexico to do some queer ass Malibu Stacey play thingy and Mr Burns says 'Wait. There's a NEW Mexico?' It's not Arizona because Homer said it smells funny. It's also not Vermont because they go there in one episode. Basically, I could go on forever. The writers just toy with the Simpson's locatio every episode. If they did live somewhere though, I would go for Oregon. Matt Groening is from Oregon so he might base it there, Springfield is on the west coast, has forests, bears, snow, mountains, and occasionally desert (probably in SE Oregon close to Nevada). Also, they drove to Alaska in the Simpsons Movie and drove to Las Vegas, Nevada. Admittedly, they also took a bus to New York and drove back but as I said before, they have no real location. Hope this is helpful!


There's no nuclear power plants in Oregon. As a mater of fact no many on the whole west coast, one in washinton State and a few in so-cal. So if homer really works at a "nukulon plant" then it has to be somewhere in the mid or eastern states.

David Capo

Wait. I just thought of something. In the episode where they went to New York City, Homer said that he went to Harrisburg but it required a stopover in New York City. Harrisburg is in Pennsylvania. If he was going there from south or west of Pennsylvania it would not require a stopover in New York. However coming from Conneticuit, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine would require a stopover in New York. So with that evidence it should be one of those 6 states.


Saw your posting. I saw this in an episode. Check out the episode from 2000 "Behind the laughter" at the 24 minute mark.
The narrator of the episode says, "The simpsons bitter past was forgotton & the future looks better than ever for this Northern kentucky family!

Baron von Schnitzelberg

But in the episode 'The Wife Aquatic' Lisa shouts 'Repent! Repent! Before it's too late. (Giggles) I always wanted to do that in a New England church'. That sort of rules out all 6 of those states.


they live in kentucky. they actually say this in one of the episodes

David Capo

The Simpsons live in a state that has fireflies. I live in North Carolina and I've seen thousands all at one time.




hey did you guys know that every state in the union has a town named springfield in it? its true...so i think that the reators never wanted us to find out...or wanted to cause confusion, which is what they have done judging by your wide variety of state suggestions:) just sayin.

Baron von Schnitzelberg

In the episode where Bart and Lisa are both in 3rd grade, they go to Capitol City and the Capitol City mascot guy says that the state flag with a southern flag on it is a disgrace particularly as we are a northern state. Kentucky was a border state in the Civil War and is generally considered a southern state anyway so not too sure about Kentucky.


I FUCKING FOUND IT! Episode 1909 "Eternal moonshine of the simpson mind" At the intro, it zooms out from the couch to an overview of America. The answer: Springfield Illinois.

m. ritchie

Ok people. Check out the episode from 2000 "Behind the laughter" at the 24 minute mark.
The narrator of the episode says, "The simpsons bitter past was forgotton & the future looks better than ever for this Northern kentucky family!


636 is also the original area code for the fictional town of Springfield on the television series The Simpsons. In a Simpsons episode entitled "A Tale of Two Springfields", area code 939 was created for what became New Springfield after the 636 area code ran out of valid numbers. When that episode first aired in 2000, 636 was already in real-life use, but 939 would not be until 2001. In the episode "Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge" 636 was the area code for Homer's private security company.

David Capo

I know there are several episodes that contradict this but I think the running gag is either Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois or Massachusetts.

Think about it

I think the creators should have a contest whoever figers out where they live should get some type of prize

David Capo

They must live west of Tennessee because Bart drove through Branson Missouri to get to Knoxville.


this is exactly what matt wanted to accomplish...total confusion


You guys dont know nothing they live near New York bc in one episode they drove 2 hours to get to the Twin towers bc he was drunk and Barney left the car in front of the twin towers like Joe's says is right theres a nuclear plant in CT thats where the simpsons lives Springfield CT


ask matt groening he will tell you what state they live in


On one episodes couch gag it zooms out from their house and it shows them living in a mid-east state!!1

David Capo

So Missouri. Right?


I have this on good authority from the production office's of the writters of the simpsons everyone...The writter caught on early from Matt Groening that ppl were always wanting to know where Springfield is...so they take bits and peices from all sorts of towns and citys and put it in...for a long time they even made elaborate maps to try to confuse ppl just for this reason...Its a running gag folks plain and simple but ya gota admit its a good one. much love.


There is never a state given.

The short answer is that Springfield does not exist. It doesn't have a real state, and the fact that it has no state is nothing more than a running gag. Springfield is more like "Anytown, USA". It's as if all of America was compressed into a single town, or a single state. Springfield is everywhere and nowhere.

Proof? No state's capital city is called "Capital City". No state's motto is "Not just another state". And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There is an enormous number of geographical contradictions between episodes which make it impossible for Springfield to actually exist in any real American state.

Still, there's no harm in looking. This document attempts to record all the evidence - direct and indirect, contradictory or not - for Springfield's whereabouts. Some parts of Springfield and the wider Simpsons universe do exist in the real world, so we also list places where fantasy and reality appear to cross.

There are an enormous number of real Springfields; this is intentional. Rohit Gupta writes, "I'm from Springfield, Illinois, and one of the local papers recently had an interview with Matt Groening. In it he was asked about 'Springfield' and he replied that he chose it because it is one of the most common city names." Springfield isn't the most common city name in America; Fairview beats it, with 275 Fairviews in 42 states (and Puerto Rico), but Springfields do indeed exist in almost every American state. As our source of data we use the United States Geographical Survey search engine, which according to Andrew Gill, returned the following 71 Springfields in 36 states and possessions:

Springfield, Alabama x4
Springfield, Arkansas x2
Springfield, California
Springfield, Colorado
Springfield, Florida x2
Springfield, Georgia x9
Springfield, Idaho
Springfield, Iowa
Springfield, Illinois
Springfield, Indiana x2
Springfield, Kentucky
Springfield, Louisiana
Springfield, Massachusetts
Springfield, Maryland x4
Springfield, Maine
Springfield, Michigan x2
Springfield, Minnesota
Springfield, Missouri
Springfield, Mississippi
Springfield, North Carolina x4
Springfield, Nebraska
Springfield, New Hampshire
Springfield, New Jersey x2
Springfield, New York
Springfield, Ohio
Springfield, Oregon
Springfield, Pennsylvania x2
Springfield, South Carolina x3
Springfield, South Dakota
Springfield, Tennessee x2
Springfield, Texas x3
Springfield, Virginia x8
Springfield, Virgin Islands
Springfield, Vermont
Springfield, Wisconsin
Springfield, West Virginia


The Simpsons live in Kentucky as I saw in a Simpsons special episode where a narrator said "But what opportunities may confront this family from Kentucky?" also, in an episode where they go to Italy and find out that Sideshow Bob is Mayor of Rome, Homer gives an elderly woman with a goat, a mug that said "Kentucky" on it, and she slaps him, saying that in Italian, Kentucky is a swear word.

Aaron Palmer

They make a lot of references to MI. In Milhouse dosent live here: capitol city is juxtaposed next to detroit-- Which is not the capitol of MI. But, maybee the simpsons live in MI.

David Capo

It has to be in North Carolina somewhere.

David Capo

NT could be the North in North Carolina.

joe joe

Your all so fuckin stupid its hilarious

joe joe joe

Your so fuckin stupid its hilarious


they live in a fictional state called north takoma

Harry Plopper



my girlfriend says that have to be in new england area because they are pats fans and Boston accents and hate new yorkers (sorry :(), and one of the episodes they had a calender marked in the store about a band and it was MA


NORTHERN KENTUCKY!!! .... stop posting guesses they tell you in an episode, goddam

David Capo

NT Northern Kentucky. Homer says Tennessee is south of the border.


i think it might be in massachusetts 'cuz it has a Springfield and a Shelbyville and in one episode, Marge wanted to go to a strip club called The Golden Banana and there is one of those in Peabody. the only thing i'm not sure about is the death penalty thing.

Matthew Levinson

It is nowhere. There is no answer. The best clues are when they have a map of the united states displayed and lisa tells Bart he's pointing to the wrong state and then points to the correct state while Homer is standing in front of the map from our point of view. Only the middle states are blocked out from Homer. Therefore it is not a state on the west cost or east coast.
The next best clues are times when they have driven to famous places and had road signs saying how many miles away they were which contradict other clues. There is no answer. Sorry. It's North Takoma


there have been a few clues in the episodes. like the one where Fat Tony gets shot,Bart steals the school bus and say he hit a moose. so then it must be a state where the moose are.but in the simpson clip show(aired in 2000) they said it was Springefield,Kentucky. and then in the Simpsons movie ned said where 'THE four states connected, Nevada, Ohio, Maine and Kentucky, so you know i couldnt be in those 4 states. just keep looking 4 clues and figure it out (because it makes my brain hurt)

David Capo

There is a desert in some episodes.

Jai Hari

Many of us from OREGON believe it is either oregon or washington as the landscape of "springfield" matches the landscape here. We have the ocean, mountains, desert, the famous "evergreen" trees you always see in the simpsons. As a matter of fact many of us think it may be loosley based on the city of Portland, Oregon which slogan is "keep Portland weird" and as we all know Springfield is weird. Matt Groening is also from Oregon. There is a Springfieeld in Oregon and in Portland a: Terwilliger Blvd, Quimby Street, Flanders Street, Lovejoy Street, etc., I could go on and on with street names that match the characters. Although, I highly doubt that the Simpsons creator(s) actually based it off a real state. I think they are just screwing with us to give us all something to ponder.

Jai Hari

Also I forgot.....LOL. In the Simpsons Movie where ned names the states that "border" Springfield: Nevada, Ohio, Main and Kentucky. Oddly enough, each of those states have a city called "Portland" in each.....


It says on wiki answers that it's Utah


I live in Phoenix and Homer drives through a cactus patch to get to their houseboat so I'd say Arizona around Phoenix. :)


well im glad we can agree hahaha


You're all wrong. Springfield is a fictional town. They've used numerous contradictory references to what it borders, different area and zip codes throughout episodes, etc. It's suppose to represent "anytown, USA"


In episode 441, "Welcome to Homerica", Millhouse says about the Ogdenville kids wearing 'Vikings apparel' that this is 'Tennessee Titans territory'. They are in Springfield at the time, so that leads me to believe the answer is Tennessee.


It has been stated by writers on numerous occasions that Springfield is supposed to be a nonexistant country. That's part of the gag...to make people search for something that doesn't really exist. That's part of why they picked the name Springfield, because there are so many in the US. In the movie they said it bordered 4 states that are no where near each other. In the commentary for one of the DVD episodes a director states that it's in North Takoma which makes sense because you see NT and TA as state abbreviations on licenses and such. So the answer is....it is not based on any of the Springfields in the United states but rather a culmination of any common city found in the US.


it is real obvious because they live in Ill because shelbyville illinois is right near springfield ILL . also were the episode where all those people immigrate to springfield are from utica there is utica illinois about 20 miles from springfield Illinois

andrew kickass

everyone here is a total dipshit. matt groening is fucking with simpsons fans, because state geographrical locations completely change. some by the ocean, some not. one says minnesota is to the south,and moe mentions that it is all about the money while holding a canadian coin,(but they live in america). the closest state is oregon, matt groening was born there and some characters are street names....Problem. Fucking. Solved.

David Capo

Now that I think about it everyone who says Oregon is not to far off. As one person commented Oregon does have desert and it is by a harbor and it doe's snow there. Plus in the episode Kamp Krusty Krusty took the all the kids to Tijuana Mexico which isn't as far from Oregon as some of the other states we've mentioned on here. So it makes sense that they would go there from Oregon. Also in one episode I can't remember which one this was but they welcomed Las Vegas trash to their city. Oregon is fairly close to Vegas. Also in one episode Orlando Florida is 2653 miles from Springfield. That is about how many miles it is from Oregon. And as Simon at the top of the page noted when Homer and his buddies join the navy they sail into Russian waters. You would have to leave the west coast to do that.

David Capo

Oregon is also a Northern State as noted by the Capital City Goofball. So their confederate flag is an embarrassment.


why not michigan. Interstate 96 is only in michigan. Springfield, MI has a nuclear power plant and its address if 742 evergreen terrace, the simpsons address. Hmmm. Genius writers


Springfield Australia. They even say they are there

Simon sez

no they go there on vacation. then they go back to us. they dont live in australia

Linus Beatty

The Simpsons are from kentucky the is a section of frankfort kentucky that is refered to as capitol city and in coming to homerica Millhouse says that this is Tennesee Titans country and their is a shellbiville kentucky.


I know family guy is in Rhode Island :)


were off on the road to rhode island!! Family guy is the greatest show in the world. i love the episode family gay..

David Capo

I like to think that they are in my home state. NT


theyre from oregon you are all retarded. matt groening is from oregon. springfield oregon, located just outside of eugene, conveniently has a power plant. to anyone from here the signs are obvious. you are all apparently just dumb as fucking shit


Guys, I think it's clear that there is no definite state, because there as so many clear clues that each point a different state. The writers are cleverly adding mystery to the show, because it's good for business. If you need proof, just look at how many comments there have been about where they're from, and think about how many times the people that wrote these comments have gone back and watched many many episodes. Think, if you're a writer for a TV cartoon with a deadline to make, as new episodes come out every week, and you have a great idea for an episode but it doesn't synchronize with the location, would you care enough to scrap the idea the night before it's due and work all night trying to think of a funny new one? I don't think so. So either accept the fact that there's no real answer and sleep well, or enjoy yourselves trying to deduce it. All I know for sure is that I'm way way smarter than all of you put together. Cheers!


Jesus is right (sort of)... the writers are intentional and deliberate when they put all of these ambiguous and conflicting clues as to the "real" location. They go to great lengths to make sure that there are a variety of clues to support a number of different locations. As others have stated, you're not supposed to know becuase there is no one right answer and there is no mystery.



David Capo

You say this without adding any real info?

David Capo

The T in NT could be mistaken maybe for a Y. They took a bus to Toronto Canada in one episode and New York borders Canada around where Toronto is.

j emski

There is a springfield and shelbyville in the following states....

IL, KY, MO, and TN....

j emski

And there is a power plant that dates back to the 60's in Illinois....


David Capo

There is a power plant in North Carolina somewhere and it has a cooling tower I know that for a fact. I've also been told there's a Springfield somewhere here. I'm just not sure exactly where it is though.

David Capo

It could be Nebraska. In one episode Homer and Grandpa drive to Winnipeg to smuggle drugs into the United States. And Homer and Bart drive by Mount Rushmore on their way to Oregon.


YOU ARE ALL WRONG!! States competed to be the named the official state for the movie The Simpsons and the OFFICIALLY live in VERMONT!!

Ken Harding

I live in Shelbyville Illinois and you will all be happy to know that Matt Groening himself told me Springfield is based of Springfield Illinois. So im sorry Mr. Capo if that is your real name I'm pretty sure it is NOT North Carolina.

blue brother

these Simpsons live in my state of Oklahoma!! yeeeeeeeah


It shall always remain a mystery!

David Capo

Yes it shall.


I know what it is but when flanders said it neighbours between ohio, nevada, maine and kentuckey, those states are far, far, away and it is Illinois because it has shelybyville and springfield thanks to a mr ken harding so it's Illinois!!! yes!!! If you want me, well too bad i'm not showing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ken Harding

Sorry maybe I've missed something but what exactly aren't you showing MR.XY?


Springfield isn't in a state. It is supposed to represent a collaboration of all American states. This has been explained time and time again. It's fun to guess, but don't get so uptight about something created specifically to not be real. (as evidence- the state flag, the state motto, the surrounding towns, the street names, the references to the bordering states which are on opposite corners of the country). Calm down


In the episode Mr. Lisa goes to Washington the Simpson's state senator gets arrested for taking abride to drill for oil in moutn rushmore. Therefor, they live in the same state as mount rushmore


All the evidence contridicts its self, which is why there are so many opions. I like to think that Springfield is a fictional city set in a fictional state in a fictional America in a fictional world. Think about it. Everyone has yellow skin and three fingers and a thumb on each hand. Plus it's a T.V show.


I've read ALOT of these comments and I've looked at some of the episodes and clearly they put the area codes and the sattilite images ect.ect in there on purpose so so when, in one episode someone says "I couldn't figure out what state you live in" and they awnser "If you look at the clues so you can figure it out" then people look for those clues and find them and they all point in different directions. What I'm trying to say is that there is no single and/or clear anwser to the question, they do this to mess with intelligent people like us. So let it go, just let it go.


I've read ALOT of these comments and I've looked at some of the episodes and clearly they put the area codes and the sattilite images ect.ect in there on purpose so so when, in one episode someone says "I couldn't figure out what state you live in" and they awnser "If you look at the clues so you can figure it out" then people look for those clues and find them and they all point in different directions. What I'm trying to say is that there is no single and/or clear anwser to the question, they do this to mess with intelligent people like us. So let it go, just let it go.

simpsons state?

you guy are so smart... well actually it depends on how old you are... how old are you?

simpsons state?

I found a video!!!! check this out!!! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1659249/the_simpsons_state_revealed/

David Capo

Well they do go to Niagara Falls so it could be Michigan or New York. And both those states have a harbor. So maybe Springfield is in one of those two states.

Man From Kentucky

They live in Kentucky. It said that in one episode. Cant remember which one. But I seem to remember that they said specifically North Kentucky. Why the crap do I have to prove I am not a Spam Robot? What is that? Plz tell me!! >:(

nick estergard

dudes they live in illinois


Hey I wanna add something in the Episode where Homer and Ned goes to Vegas they drive there and they get there pretty fast in less then a day. I personally think its Oregon.


In the episode where George Bush moves in across the street Lisa says that this is a state that George Bush claims residency in which are as follows. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Maine and New Jersey. In the episode where Homer mom makes her first appearance, Homer mistakes a tombstone for his Mom's which ends up being Walt Whitmans who is buried in NJ....THEY LIVE IN NJ!!!


in the episode "boy scouts 'n' the hood" when homer,bart, flanders and rod or todd (im not sure which one) were on the boat out in the ocean, homer says he smells hamburgers and has a krusty burger fun map with him. when he looks at it, it shows that there is a krusty burger out on an oil rig, out in the ocean near virginia, but also out in the ocean close to pennsylvania, other states shown that they were close to travelling near on the boat were south carolina, north carolina and florida. its not florida that they live in as the simpsons went on a vacation there once on kill the alligator and run. it may or may not be pennsylvania, as once ned flanders moved to humbletown (made up city) but it was still in driving distance, so wheather they already live in pennsylvania and flanders was just moving somewhere else.a reason that it could not be pennsylvania is that in one episode, "marge gamer" i think, she looks on the internet at paper towels, and finds that they are cheaper in pennsylvania. she then tells bart and lisa "were going to pennsylvania", which could indicate that they dont already live there. They could also live in one of the smaller states such as district of columbia, maryland, delaware or new jersey. I dont think its north or south carolina , personally i think they live in new jersey, as it is in driving distance to pennsylvania , the oil rig krusty burger was near it and when homer mistaked his mothers grave for walt whitmans, who i believe is buried in new jersey. so i think they live there. otherwise, if that isnt right, i think delaware or virginia, but im pretty sure its new jersey.




i found it. they live in Springfield,Virginia. the specific springfield (there may be more than one, im not sure),is interstate 95 Springfield. On one episode, the route 95 sign was shown, and looking itup on youtube,someone had found this specific Springfield. then to back this up, and make it at almost certain is ion the episode "the old man and the key" grampa and bart have to drive to Branson, Missouri, which they say is around 1000 miles away. kjnowing that springfield had to be between 500-1500 (give or take from 1000 miles)i looked it up and Interstate 95 Springfield was around 1087 miles away from Branson.Missouri. And in "bart star" hank and peggy hill from king of the hill are on watching Arlen play against Springfield in Pee Wee football. Hank mentions that they drove about 2000 miles, so give or take, in this case take Interstate 95 Springfield Virginia, was about depending on which route you take 1413 miles, 1415 miles, or 1518 miles. So there you have it, The simpsons live in Springfield Virginia.


I don't think they live Illinois.
In the Simpsons movie Homer spends the last of their money to try and win a truck.
How did they manage to get to Alaska without any money and assuming the truck already had a full tank of fuel?


I believe its either pennsylvania or new jersey

clues - in the episode when they decide to randomly go skiing after marge was suggesting throwing out some of homers old skis. It can be deduced that the ski resort is not too far away from where they live, because the next scene immediately shows them at the ski resort. Towards the middle of the episode marge has a clock drop on her leg, injuring it. Homer says that he wants the best treatment for his wife, the EMT changes the destination sign to Beth Isreal (there is a beth isreal hospital in Massachusetts and New York, not too far from new jersey or pennsylvania). Being that beth isreal is a reknowned and pricy place to get treatment homers says something to the effect of "not that good of treatment." The EMT changes the destination sign to St. Mary's (theres a st. mary's medical center in PA and NJ) Although this clue does not completely narrow it down to the states of PA and NJ, it at least suggest that they live in an eastern state.

- its not missouri, in one episode they travel to branson, missouri and lisa states that its about 1100 miles away from where they live. New Jersey and Pennsylvania fit this range of distance.

- There is this repetitive theme in the show which references the water in the area they live in as being woefully polluted and reputed and such (three eyed fish and syringes anyone?) and being near a coastline as well. New Jersey is infamously known as having one of the most polluted shorelines of all coastal states, and pennsylvania shores arent that much better either.

- in the episode when homer becomes a baseball mascot the family moves away to capital city and reference to it as if the capital city they are talking about is in the same state they live in. From this I deduce that they are referring to moving to the capital of the state that they live in. The mascot that homers is replacing is called the capital city goofball, which is awfully similar to a mascot for the philadelphia phillies called the Philly Phanatic. Again this doesnt completely prove that its pennsylvania, but it does serve as indication. To me, it at least shows that the family lives somewhere on the east coast, in or around the tri state area (PA, NY, NJ)

- PA allows the death penalty, NJ did up until 2007 when the law was changed. No episodes past 2007 feature anyone getting executed, so PA and NJ are still possibilities


and you can get in vegas in one day from almost anywhere in the us. or at most 1 - 1 and a half days if you try.


portland oregon... they said it last night!


this particular springfield may verywell be in Virginia thanks to an episode where fat tony drives by a sign in the town indicating interstate 95 and the only state with a springfield with interstate 95 going through it is Virginia. Don't believe me? check it out on google maps.


I'll probably get slammed or ignored but lets look at some external facts: Its a cartoon... by Matt Groening. I say this because Matt is known for his subversive comedy.
All of the "clues" are meant to make it "anywhere, USA" as it has been said many times. In the various episodes where a map is shown Springfield is in a different place everytime. In the episode where they show the area code could be a red herring. Purposefully meant to be misleading. Just because its an area code from one state does not negate being in another. Who hasn't heard of people with cell phones from other states?
Back to Matts sense of humor: when a "clue is given" consider the source. Homer for example is not known for his intellegence, Lisa is. Anytime a state is mentioned or hinted at it never really says difinitavely that they CURRENTLY LIVE THERE. Perhaps at one time they did, perhaps they didn't and its just mentioned or hinted at to give us all something to talk about. :) The fact is, because Matt is a comedian, we never will know what clues are clues, and which clues are just space filler and tricks.
Matt himself has been quoted as saying they live in the "fictional state of North Takoma. If There were to be an actual state people wouldn't feel as much of a kinship to the family because of a shared statehood.
A better way to look at where springfield is (an you will all flay me for this) imagine springfield and its surrounding area, is portable. That it is moving about the States like a floating Cloud city,landing temporarily at its destination which is decided by what fits the storyline, and then once again being lifted and transported to another location. The Simpsons Springfields' location is soft.
I could go a little further but I'm tired now and am making so many spelling mistakes that I'm ashamed with myself.
Feel free to debate as conversation and diversity of opinion is an awesome thing. :)
IMhO there is no real State, but its fun to try anyway


Best. Answer. Ever. -Comic book guy


Springfield isn't in a state. It is supposed to represent a collaboration of all American states. This has been explained time and time again. It's fun to guess, but don't get so uptight about something created specifically to not be real. (as evidence- the state flag, the state motto, the surrounding towns, the street names, the references to the bordering states which are on opposite corners of the country).


it's a made up place.. they jus want LOSERS like you guys to spend all your life trying to figure it out...their is no way a state can border navada and maine.... look at a map you idiots


yes their are so many clue but they all conterdict each other....you guys need to move out of your moms basement and get jobs LOSERS


if all there people are losers and living at home in their moms basements...then aren't you the same way considering you have written comments on this page...its just a website. dont be so mean, dude. not kool

Random Creeper Whom Is Always Right

I just watched 'behind the laughter' simpsons anyways they live in south mississippi X3

derek murray

listen chas and mishaal,cop fuckin on u dicks.this is a friendly genuine comment page 4 every1 around the world 2 figure out a simple fact.only its not that simple.so leave ppl 2 it and fuck off.if u weren't that concerned u wouldn't have viewed this page...anyway,as a simpsons expert i can easily dissapoint all u fans by sayin we will never know where they live until it is revealed by matt groening himself.with all the experts and geniuses in the world,not 2 mention the millions of fans and keeping in mind there is billions of ppl in the world and nobody can figure it out.with at least 450 episodes laterand all the hints in the world its now time 2 sit back,relax and just leave things be.so all the smart comments left by know it all dickheads like them other 2 shit bags,find something else 2 do,and 2 all the ppl still trying 2 figure it out,good luck.

luv-lee <3

OK, these are all great suggestions, and since so many are the same then we know we are on the right track. But I looked it up, and there is NO Evergreen Terrace (the street the Simpsons live on) in the US. There are Evergreen streets, drives, and parkways in MO, NJ, and OH.
Thus like a number people have suggested, it is just a made up place.
And for all the people calling others names, etc, that is extremely immature, so keep your opinions to yourselves plz.

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