I'm looking for a song that's popular on the venting side of tiktok, its a guy singing and if im mistaken, it goes " im holding, onto our hearts" in sorta like a whisper singing, after this line the music goes fast
i need to find a song where not exactly but the lines somehow says how do you call youre home, how do you know your home like your parents did. it is sang by a woman.
I'm looking for a song I don't know the name it's from Tyler Perry sistas season 2 episode 1 Karen and Zac are kissing but there's no app that can pick up the song !!!!!!! and I've tried many different bitter sweet titles .
A song from mid 2010s or maybe earlier where a guy calls for his family since he’s an Astronaut about to die in space. I remember it being sad and the guy sounding like Owl City
Back around late 1997 or early 1998 I traveled to Toronto with three or four other friends from college. Whoever was driving controlled the music and they played one song that has stuck with me ever since in spite of the fact that I only heard it the one time that day and have never heard it again since. Probably the reason it stuck with me was because for at least the rest of the school year one of the other passengers and I would constantly make fun of it to each other because of how stupid the lyrics were. Over the years I have tried to find the song by searching for the lyrics and have been unsuccessful so far. I’ve even asked both the driver and his brother who was also in the front seat and neither of them remembered it (and one of them said it sounded as stupid as I said it was). But there’s no way I could have imagined it since one of the other guys in the back seat made fun of it as much as I did. Surely someone out there has heard it and knows the name of the song and the artist. It was a black gospel song, definitely not later than 1998, and the lyrics I remember were “If you want to sit there still when the Holy Ghost starts to move that’s all right there’ll be more for me. You’re happy just to watch me dance…that’s all right there’ll be more for me. People get slain in the spirit but you’re cool and collected. That’s all right there’ll be more for me.” And the chorus I remember was “Get on up now, you gotta get busy, let the Holy Ghost lead you, move in the spirit groove in the spirit.”
help me find the song, song cover has 2 girls in space suit standing on the moon, and artist is a white women singer and featuring a another women but she is a black rapper. song title might be called take off but idk and i know some lyrics like "my way", "loyal" or something that rhymes with that and the song was made in 2021
Driving myself crazy trying to think of this old 90s song that went like "And if I fall down tomorrow, if I try and run away, don't let me go don't let me go don't let me go"
They're the only lines that I can remember and I can't find it anywhere.
I'm looking for a song from 2010 with the lyric "lost in the moment" and is classified as an electronic dance music (EDM) song. Can anyone help me identify the song title and artist?
https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858775699/ or Nailed to the cross, dead for collective sin. We decide where, why, who, and when. Build our bibles to only include the things We believe to be divine and true. This is our right. This is our life. Everyone homogenized.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C. Smited into oblivion with blood, wrath, and disease. Sheep in shepherd’s clothing.
Allah, Jesus and Muhammad. Their words have way more in common Than than the Midwest or the Middle East like to preach. It’s a tragedy. It’s a strategy. To prey on contrast to not indulge fact. Divide, conquer, subcontract.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C. Smited into oblivion with blood, wrath, and disease. Sheep in shepherd’s clothing.
The scriptures blind followers read are not as cryptic as they seem. The pages serve the sick and poor, Not to serve the capitalists of endless war.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C. Smited into oblivion with blood, wrath, and disease. Sheep in shepherd’s clothing.
Looking for a song that I heard on a Facebook Reel. They lyrics in the video are as follows:
It's been a while.....And I've forgotten how good it could feel (How good it feels). Here in this moment.....I'm stuck here wondering if this is real (If this is real). Girl go easy (Easy on me.....) I've been here before.....Had my broken a number "of times". (The video cuts off right before "of times" is said.)
This song is not a big rock song. The instrumentation sounds like there might be a guitar or two, and maybe a piano and trap set. It's a soft/slow style/tempo. I would certainly appreciate any help on this!
It's a rock song probably 2000-2010 or smth and at the end it goes melodically with no instruments - CEMETARYYY( or smth like that) - all instruments turn on and melodically go - HOW DO YOU DOOO - sounds amazing, but I don't know the name of the song (the vocalist is male)
I'm looking for a song by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard with the lyrics "most of what I like". Can anyone help me identify the song title and album?
So I’ve had this song stuck in my head for a week I use to have it on my phone but changed phones
It’s kinda a soft indie rock Male artist I remember it’s saying something like I’ve been searching for someone to make to feel this way…….. and then the main chorus goes like coz it’s youuuuuu and he saids it like 3 times start with a soft guitar sound at the beginning .
I'm a bus driver of special needs children. There's a girl who doesn't speak... but sings lol. The song she sings... I can only get a few words. You, you make me happy.... and something about "down the hall " very snappy tune.. I thought it was Katy perry...but no. Please help. I'm pretty sure its a girl band.
I want to be with me but I want to be just like everybody else in this happiness. I diss Finney grated cayenne Britney Subayya else I love ya in this is my time for distant be a hip-hop, Weibo person show I will show you guys to be hard to be Web, dislike all your wildest respect me your body, nobody respect me and my family you’re my else I was going to keep
Hi, I heard this song sung in Chinese subtitled with English lyrics ''Maybe it happened accidentally, my heartbeat flustered, loving you is as natural as breathing, like a drifting ship longing for the shore.... '' lyrics FROM a background song from the Chinese drama TO BE WITH YOU. I would be grateful if someone can tell me how to find this song and the singer's name please. Thank you
There's a song a vague remember from my teen years approx 2008-2010. Stumbled on a new band that was up and coming but forgot their name over the years(pretty sure they broke up now). The album had 3-5 red planets maybe the sun. Band name along the lines of "for those who have fallen, to those who are fallen". Lyrics of a song I vaguely remember begin mid song "Desperation! So cherish what you've cus there's no telling what tomorrow may bring!" Intro of song begins really slow with a guitar playing. I appreciate any help! The band was in the post hard core scene let's say between 06-2011 from what I can piece together. Thanks.
I am looking for the gospel song with the lyrics: "I couldn't run, I couldn't hide anywhere your love won't find. You know my wrongs, you know what's right" and "All that I am, all that I do, everything I have—Lord, I give to you"
I‘m searching a song with those lyrics: „shine, shine on me, shine on me forever like a star in the sky burning down forever“ I‘m not entirely sure about the lyrics. I heard it in another song and I believe it’s sampled but it could be original lyrics im not sure. I hope someone finds the answer. I’d be very thankful.
I recall something, I think I was in my early teens but I remember the music that was played from the '90s sang by a woman with the same matched music from the song sure thing by Miguel. All I could remember was her humming na na nana na repeated like 10xs but it was so melodious some reason. Lol anybody know what song I'm talking bout?
It's a long-shot but I hope somebody can help me here.
What are these three songs?
They all came out about 6 or 7 years ago and I only know some of the lyrics.
Song 1 - Female singer who could be Irish. Slow, electronic sound(i.e it doesn't feature any conventional old instruments like guitars, drums, pianos etc).
The lyrics go something like:
...and all the places that we've always been and all the things that we have always seen and all the secrets that we have, laid down in a jukebox, baby and all the dreams that we have always dreamed, they're all gone in a jukebox, baby, jukebox, baby, jukebox baby, ooh you're my jukebox baby. You got me feeling so low.
Song 2 - Female singer. Fast, electronic. The first line is the start of the first verse and the second line is the start of the chorus:
Why do we treat each other like robots, every move automated?
I wanna make you feel something, feel something, turn that metal into flesh and blood.
Song 3 - It's a female singer singing an electronic song.
Part of one of the verses goes "Cigarette burns on the floor" "Hiding by the lakes is what we live for". The chorus was harder to make out. I think it went something like "Summers come by, summers come fast".
I need help! Heard a song at work on triple m gold rock - sounds like Huey Lewis and is about a dude wondering why he hasn’t broken up with his Mrs yet. Kinda pop rock and sounds like it’s from the 80’s
I am looking for the name of the country singer who does a version of The Christmas Song from Christmas with the Kranks. There is a female in the background doing harmony. It starts with these lyrics: The lights are coming on now.
trying to find an alt rock song that has lyrics close to “i threw my life away” & either “but” or “because” -i wanted to” singing sounded social distortion, almost as receptive lyrically too. Pretty heavy guitar riff and a solo.
There was a blank cassette tape in one of my grandma's rooms. I put it in the tape player and hit play. This slow deep tribal like music started playing and then abruptly stops And then a female voice began making a whimper sound and with a trembling voice began saying" no no momma please" over and over slowly for a minute. You can hear her sniffles like she's crying softly too.Then she stops and tribal music begans again. Then stops and female starts again same sounds. She starts off quite and slow and each time she repeats herself she gets louder and faster till she is like in a panic and about to be killed or something. Then stops and tribal music fades in for minute then stops and female voice repeats again the same. Then stops and tribal music and that's all it does for like five minutes then tape goes quite.Thats all that's on it. Anyone hear anything like that,it sounds like a studio recording.
Does anyone know the song name or the singer featured in the movie Playboy: Tales of Erotic Fantasies (1999) between 9:12 - 13:08? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0216263/ I can't find it anywhere, unfortunately.
there was these lyrics of a song (i think) on a my friends status and i always wondered what it was "You used to always ride shotgun but now all you wanna do is run away" If I remember correctly those were the lyrics, I got a few lyric matches (Hot N Cold, Oreo, etc etc)
Looking for a song i heard earlier, had the lyrics “i throw my life away” or something similar and im 90% sure it was followed by either “but” or “because” - “i wanted to” sounded a good bit like social distortion, but newer. heavy riff, and a solo i think.
Okay so I’m trying to find this song from around 2014-2018 and it has lyrics that say “my heads underwater only you can…the others” and it’s by a female singer. She kind of sounds like Ellie Goulding but it’s not by her. I’m going crazy trying to think of it
I am looking for a pop song title, sort of like Kesha but def not her. Lyrics are something like..... 'We can go back to your room.... 'I can be your play thing (** I think)) pop / dance, def a female singer
Hear it on PBS accompanying program promo "In my heart there's a fire, like a drum, that beats inside, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, of what may come...
Maybe Bobby Womack ' I'm in Love' Or the Platters ' For the first time'. It came out in 1958 originally but pops up every so often and has been covered multiple times by other singers.
Im looking for a song that has female vocals similar to taylor swift nearly, and the lyrics go "where did it all go wrong, where did it all goo wrong" sounds newer and is a pop song
Would like to find the song sang by a repenting singer! It a young voice talking to the Lord about his sinfully life and surrendering his life to God and then sings his song ,"What can I do". I checked WDAC and Elkton radio station.
Yo,trying to find a song for my friend, it's sung in a calm female voice and the only thing I know that it goes something like I'm ready for violence,ready for church/charity. Idk what to do because I don't even have a melody to it
looking for a song. no clue when it came out but definitely 2000-2019. has to be a white boy. its very dance pop electronic got some good bass. i dont think its a full band. i believe it is just him. but the chorus says something like standing in the pouring rain just to say i love you. and then another part of the chorus says just to look into your eyyyyyes. and then he says either i gotta be or you gotta be but mixing makes it stutter (if thats the right way to say that.) but it is upbeat great tempo. makes you want to roll your windows down in the dusk of summer and turn it up and jam out. to just feel the bass of it. please someone know this song.
Help me find this song with lyrics like these: I like to drink my coffee black I like my lover to scratch my back I like my kitchen painted blue And i like to listen to those i love yous
I'm trying to find a song with the lyrics "lost in the moment" and a mix of electronic and pop elements in the melody. Can anyone help me identify the song?
This is an older song my grandpa used to sing but I can't find it, please help me :(
Lyrics: There playing the song for loved ones, the song I've been waiting to hear. But the girl i'm wanting to dance with, isn't anywhere near, anywhere near...
That's all I have and I've been looking everywhere for it
So I’m looking for a rap/hip-hop song that it sounds like the male rapper is saying “faith feyalla, faith feyalla” as the song fades out or maybe not fades out but in my head it sounds like the song was fading out, but he for sure says ^^ or something that sounds like “faith feyalla”
I am looking for a song, it is a motivational one, it has beats and i can only remember the vocals as nari narina ri na o nari narinarina , sattu futo salum kidhe saduma kudam saluntarge
It's an upbeat song sung by a couple of people but you can mostly hear a woman's voice. The lyrics I remember are "Bili bala bill bala" or something like that.
Im looking for a song whit lyric "my baby.. cos i am crazy.. i never said that.. i am not alright/its allright (always repeated its allrigh or its allnight; I cant remember which one).. the song has rnb vibe 90s or 20s early, two male in the song.. please help me find..
im looking for a song with "walking" or "working" all the time in it, it's a well known song and i think i've seen it in a fight scene in a film, british punk kinda vibe
"i seen you in the club, i like the way you ride, i m looking for some love i gotta make you mine, so come with me, i show you a good time" please help me find the song which has the above lyrics
I have 2 songs I’ve been trying to look for, the first song had an intro with a girl talking to her dad and the girl tells her dad to come pick her up but the dad can’t pick her up because he was busy, I don’t remember anything else after that. The second song I barely remember, the only lyric I know is the singer singing the word cylinder and he says yeah after that I believe and I unfortunately don’t remember the rest of this song.
Looking for a rap song that has the same riser synth in the beginning as “Put On” by Young Jeezy, all I can remember is the first lyrics are something like “walking around…” with the rapper having a deeper voice.
I'm looking for a song that I heard playing in Walmart. It was a female singing it. And the lyrics were like "what's wrong with me and something about being an underachiever. It's a great song and I think it must be fairly new.
I have been looking for a old country song my mom use to play over and over it is sung by a man I remember these lyrics upstairs in the bathroom she planning to cheat combining her hair and fixing up neat down stairs in the back room I'm holding my head and wishing it's done it's just about time for the phone to ring twice she'll slip down the stairway smelling like spice please if anyone knows this song email me crystalramey6@gmail.com really mean Lot to me that was her favorite song
I need to find this song where a man is singing and playing the guitar and it says something like “let’s quit our jobs today and we can……” it sounds like folk maybe. It’s in this video but i can’t find it anywhere https://youtu.be/l7O476NsYcc
Song from the seventies " If you add all the hurt and the pain, take it away from love, there will still be some love left over, still be some love left over".
looking for a 90's country song. I remember the lyrics "I'm gona set myself down in the Mojave, where no one will ever know I let my tears flow, into the dust to make a river through death valley, I'm gona wash away, her loving memory, And cry, if I want to, Hide out in the middle of nowhere and let it go" But for some reason all my searches come up empty.
Hi, im looking for a song, i dont remember the lyrics i just know it had an electric guitar that started on a low note and started to escalate. A female in the back singing the melodie, i dont know why cant i rememeber it. Its a chill song please help me find it
I've been looking for a song since 1990! I heard it on the radio in Stockholm Sweden all the time when I was there. This was the autumn/fall of 1990.
''1, 2, 3, 4, I just want more, baby I love you... 5, 6, 7, 8, i just can't wait, do you love me too... Feel the rythm and free your soul, feel the rythm and take control. I'm your dream, make it real I'm? your pain when you can't feel Gotta be strong,gotta be strong let me control what's going on
If you can help find this song, I would be very grateful.
ok so bear with me because this song may just be a fever dream no idea the lyrics, but I think the plot followed a teen girl who at some point was in the car with some guy and got stabbed because she was making like bad choices? I've been looking forever but you can imagine how hard it's been this has been bothering me for years.
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A rap song from 1998 hes askin god for forgiveness very deep unique voice and one of the lines has to do with soda
I'm looking for a song that's popular on the venting side of tiktok, its a guy singing and if im mistaken, it goes " im holding, onto our hearts" in sorta like a whisper singing, after this line the music goes fast
i need to find a song where not exactly but the lines somehow says how do you call youre home, how do you know your home like your parents did. it is sang by a woman.
I'm looking for a song I don't know the name it's from Tyler Perry sistas season 2 episode 1 Karen and Zac are kissing but there's no app that can pick up the song !!!!!!! and I've tried many different bitter sweet titles .
Does anyone know the song it has lyrics " and molly she love me and the zannys they love me" it was called 6am or by 6am
A song from mid 2010s or maybe earlier where a guy calls for his family since he’s an Astronaut about to die in space. I remember it being sad and the guy sounding like Owl City
Back around late 1997 or early 1998 I traveled to Toronto with three or four other friends from college. Whoever was driving controlled the music and they played one song that has stuck with me ever since in spite of the fact that I only heard it the one time that day and have never heard it again since. Probably the reason it stuck with me was because for at least the rest of the school year one of the other passengers and I would constantly make fun of it to each other because of how stupid the lyrics were. Over the years I have tried to find the song by searching for the lyrics and have been unsuccessful so far. I’ve even asked both the driver and his brother who was also in the front seat and neither of them remembered it (and one of them said it sounded as stupid as I said it was). But there’s no way I could have imagined it since one of the other guys in the back seat made fun of it as much as I did. Surely someone out there has heard it and knows the name of the song and the artist. It was a black gospel song, definitely not later than 1998, and the lyrics I remember were “If you want to sit there still when the Holy Ghost starts to move that’s all right there’ll be more for me. You’re happy just to watch me dance…that’s all right there’ll be more for me. People get slain in the spirit but you’re cool and collected. That’s all right there’ll be more for me.” And the chorus I remember was “Get on up now, you gotta get busy, let the Holy Ghost lead you, move in the spirit groove in the spirit.”
what song is this: spin the back . swerve run it back . im the king that can run it back . i nead your body on me
help me find the song, song cover has 2 girls in space suit standing on the moon, and artist is a white women singer and featuring a another women but she is a black rapper. song title might be called take off but idk and i know some lyrics like "my way", "loyal" or something that rhymes with that and the song was made in 2021
I'm looking for a song with the lyric phrase "lost in the moment" that was released between 2010 and 2015. Can anyone help me identify the song?
Driving myself crazy trying to think of this old 90s song that went like "And if I fall down tomorrow, if I try and run away, don't let me go don't let me go don't let me go"
They're the only lines that I can remember and I can't find it anywhere.
Help me find the song with the lyrics "I just want to bubble get in a little trouble"
Baby I surrender giving my heart and soul........I'm thinking in 80s or 90s (R&B)
I'm looking for a song from 2010 with the lyric "lost in the moment" and is classified as an electronic dance music (EDM) song. Can anyone help me identify the song title and artist?
I'm searching for songs from the 80s with the lyric phrase "lost in the night".
I'm looking for the lyrics to "Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C." by Anti-Flag. Can anyone provide them?
Nailed to the cross, dead for collective sin.
We decide where, why, who, and when.
Build our bibles to only include the things
We believe to be divine and true.
This is our right.
This is our life.
Everyone homogenized.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C.
Smited into oblivion with blood, wrath, and disease.
Sheep in shepherd’s clothing.
Allah, Jesus and Muhammad.
Their words have way more in common
Than than the Midwest or the Middle East like to preach.
It’s a tragedy.
It’s a strategy.
To prey on contrast to not indulge fact.
Divide, conquer, subcontract.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C.
Smited into oblivion with blood, wrath, and disease.
Sheep in shepherd’s clothing.
The scriptures blind followers read are not as cryptic as they seem.
The pages serve the sick and poor,
Not to serve the capitalists of endless war.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C.
Smited into oblivion with blood, wrath, and disease.
Sheep in shepherd’s clothing.
Religion is the opium of the weak.
Right lyrics, wrong singer, seems his name was Steven? On country radio about 1990
Looking for a song that I heard on a Facebook Reel. They lyrics in the video are as follows:
It's been a while.....And I've forgotten how good it could feel (How good it feels).
Here in this moment.....I'm stuck here wondering if this is real (If this is real).
Girl go easy (Easy on me.....)
I've been here before.....Had my broken a number "of times". (The video cuts off right before "of times" is said.)
This song is not a big rock song. The instrumentation sounds like there might be a guitar or two, and maybe a piano and trap set. It's a soft/slow style/tempo. I would certainly appreciate any help on this!
It's a rock song probably 2000-2010 or smth and at the end it goes melodically with no instruments - CEMETARYYY( or smth like that) - all instruments turn on and melodically go - HOW DO YOU DOOO - sounds amazing, but I don't know the name of the song (the vocalist is male)
Are you thinking Cemetery by Silverchair fromm 2000?
I'm looking for a song by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard with the lyrics "most of what I like". Can anyone help me identify the song title and album?
lost in the city of dreams when the stars shine brighter than they seams im just a Shilouette against the Hollywood sing…..
Looking for the name of a song that goes something like. What do you like about me now, maybe you've fallen. Can anyone help me out with this?
So I’ve had this song stuck in my head for a week I use to have it on my phone but changed phones
It’s kinda a soft indie rock
Male artist
I remember it’s saying something like I’ve been searching for someone to make to feel this way…….. and then the main chorus goes like
coz it’s youuuuuu and he saids it like 3 times start with a soft guitar sound at the beginning .
It's You by Ali Gatie?
I'm a bus driver of special needs children. There's a girl who doesn't speak... but sings lol. The song she sings... I can only get a few words.
You, you make me happy.... and something about "down the hall " very snappy tune.. I thought it was Katy perry...but no. Please help. I'm pretty sure its a girl band.
I want to be with me but I want to be just like everybody else in this happiness. I diss Finney grated cayenne Britney Subayya else I love ya in this is my time for distant be a hip-hop, Weibo person show I will show you guys to be hard to be Web, dislike all your wildest respect me your body, nobody respect me and my family you’re my else I was going to keep
Hi, I heard this song sung in Chinese subtitled with English lyrics ''Maybe it happened accidentally, my heartbeat flustered, loving you is as natural as breathing, like a drifting ship longing for the shore.... '' lyrics FROM a background song from the Chinese drama TO BE WITH YOU. I would be grateful if someone can tell me how to find this song and the singer's name please. Thank you
C Drama, To Be with you 2019 or C Drama Be with you 2020?
There's a song a vague remember from my teen years approx 2008-2010. Stumbled on a new band that was up and coming but forgot their name over the years(pretty sure they broke up now). The album had 3-5 red planets maybe the sun. Band name along the lines of "for those who have fallen, to those who are fallen". Lyrics of a song I vaguely remember begin mid song "Desperation! So cherish what you've cus there's no telling what tomorrow may bring!" Intro of song begins really slow with a guitar playing. I appreciate any help! The band was in the post hard core scene let's say between 06-2011 from what I can piece together. Thanks.
I am looking for the gospel song with the lyrics: "I couldn't run, I couldn't hide anywhere your love won't find. You know my wrongs, you know what's right" and "All that I am, all that I do, everything I have—Lord, I give to you"
song about crazy girlfriend that left him for another man. he helped her pack
I‘m searching a song with those lyrics: „shine, shine on me, shine on me forever like a star in the sky burning down forever“ I‘m not entirely sure about the lyrics. I heard it in another song and I believe it’s sampled but it could be original lyrics im not sure. I hope someone finds the answer. I’d be very thankful.
It doesn't include "don't you follow me", but the "let me go" part strongly sounds like "Let Me Go" by Heaven 17.
Song stuck in my head goes, You wan’ it, get on it, the kids (?) are on fire. Any help much appreciated
I think you are looking for Kasabian - L.S.F
Thank you! I’ve tamed the ear worm at last.
I recall something, I think I was in my early teens but I remember the music that was played from the '90s sang by a woman with the same matched music from the song sure thing by Miguel. All I could remember was her humming na na nana na repeated like 10xs but it was so melodious some reason. Lol anybody know what song I'm talking bout?
Maybe Lauren Hill from the Fugees?
I cant finde the Songe name or Band name
It's a long-shot but I hope somebody can help me here.
What are these three songs?
They all came out about 6 or 7 years ago and I only know some of the lyrics.
Song 1 - Female singer who could be Irish. Slow, electronic sound(i.e it doesn't feature any conventional old instruments like guitars, drums, pianos etc).
The lyrics go something like:
...and all the places that we've always been and all the things that we have always seen and all the secrets that we have, laid down in a jukebox, baby and all the dreams that we have always dreamed, they're all gone in a jukebox, baby, jukebox, baby, jukebox baby, ooh you're my jukebox baby. You got me feeling so low.
Song 2 - Female singer. Fast, electronic. The first line is the start of the first verse and the second line is the start of the chorus:
Why do we treat each other like robots, every move automated?
I wanna make you feel something, feel something, turn that metal into flesh and blood.
Song 3 - It's a female singer singing an electronic song.
Part of one of the verses goes "Cigarette burns on the floor" "Hiding by the lakes is what we live for".
The chorus was harder to make out. I think it went something like "Summers come by, summers come fast".
I'm looking for songs with similar lyrics or themes to "I Worship The Ground You Walk On" by Etta James, can anyone help?
Maybe 'Crazy' by Patsy Cline... Similar Theme
I want to know is it so were you once a famous desperado, papi?
These words are NOT from the song "Desperado"
I need help! Heard a song at work on triple m gold rock - sounds like Huey Lewis and is about a dude wondering why he hasn’t broken up with his Mrs yet. Kinda pop rock and sounds like it’s from the 80’s
Happy to be stuck with me - Huey Lewis & news
Heard a song, from an old male country singer. Part of the lyrics were: You made me feel like a king
Maybe Roger Millers ' From a jack to a king'?
I am looking for the name of the country singer who does a version of The Christmas Song from Christmas with the Kranks. There is a female in the background doing harmony. It starts with these lyrics: The lights are coming on now.
trying to find an alt rock song that has lyrics close to “i threw my life away” & either “but” or “because” -i wanted to”
singing sounded social distortion, almost as receptive lyrically too. Pretty heavy guitar riff and a solo.
There was a blank cassette tape in one of my grandma's rooms. I put it in the tape player and hit play. This slow deep tribal like music started playing and then abruptly stops And then a female voice began making a whimper sound and with a trembling voice began saying" no no momma please" over and over slowly for a minute. You can hear her sniffles like she's crying softly too.Then she stops and tribal music begans again. Then stops and female starts again same sounds. She starts off quite and slow and each time she repeats herself she gets louder and faster till she is like in a panic and about to be killed or something. Then stops and tribal music fades in for minute then stops and female voice repeats again the same. Then stops and tribal music and that's all it does for like five minutes then tape goes quite.Thats all that's on it. Anyone hear anything like that,it sounds like a studio recording.
Does anyone know the song name or the singer featured in the movie Playboy: Tales of
Erotic Fantasies (1999) between 9:12 - 13:08?
I can't find it anywhere, unfortunately.
Im looking for a kpop girl groups song goes something like "Ride the wave/riding your wave, I'm taking your s.." idk what the s word is. Pls help lmao
there was these lyrics of a song (i think) on a my friends status and i always wondered what it was "You used to always ride shotgun but now all you wanna do is run away" If I remember correctly those were the lyrics, I got a few lyric matches (Hot N Cold, Oreo, etc etc)
Looking for a song i heard earlier, had the lyrics “i throw my life away” or something similar and im 90% sure it was followed by either “but” or “because” - “i wanted to”
sounded a good bit like social distortion, but newer. heavy riff, and a solo i think.
I'm looking for that song played all over YouTube kids' content in the 2010s. it went like this: do doo do do do. That's all I know
Okay so I’m trying to find this song from around 2014-2018 and it has lyrics that say “my heads underwater only you can…the others” and it’s by a female singer. She kind of sounds like Ellie Goulding but it’s not by her. I’m going crazy trying to think of it
I am looking for a pop song title, sort of like Kesha but def not her.
Lyrics are something like.....
'We can go back to your room....
'I can be your play thing (** I think))
pop / dance, def a female singer
Hear it on PBS accompanying program promo "In my heart there's a fire, like a drum, that beats inside, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, of what may come...
I am look for a 70's or 80's song b a male singer:
with lyrics:
i am in love for the 1st time.
I feel like a kid that has just been born again.
I think by earth wind and fire
Maybe Bobby Womack ' I'm in Love'
Or the Platters ' For the first time'. It came out in 1958 originally but pops up every so often and has been covered multiple times by other singers.
Does anyone know of any artists who have covered "Key West Intermezzo" by John Mellencamp?
Im looking for a song that has female vocals similar to taylor swift nearly, and the lyrics go "where did it all go wrong, where did it all goo wrong" sounds newer and is a pop song
Looking for lyrics saying “ oh no somethings wrong but who’s gonna change it, there’s a storm front coming on but who’s gonna face it”
Would like to find the song sang by a repenting singer! It a young voice talking to the Lord about his sinfully life and surrendering his life to God and then sings his song ,"What can I do". I checked WDAC and Elkton radio station.
Yo,trying to find a song for my friend, it's sung in a calm female voice and the only thing I know that it goes something like I'm ready for violence,ready for church/charity. Idk what to do because I don't even have a melody to it
looking for a song. no clue when it came out but definitely 2000-2019. has to be a white boy. its very dance pop electronic got some good bass. i dont think its a full band. i believe it is just him. but the chorus says something like standing in the pouring rain just to say i love you. and then another part of the chorus says just to look into your eyyyyyes. and then he says either i gotta be or you gotta be but mixing makes it stutter (if thats the right way to say that.) but it is upbeat great tempo. makes you want to roll your windows down in the dusk of summer and turn it up and jam out. to just feel the bass of it. please someone know this song.
Help me find this song with lyrics like these:
I like to drink my coffee black
I like my lover to scratch my back
I like my kitchen painted blue
And i like to listen to those i love yous
I heard a song that had “you are the reason “ in the chorus. It was a male country singer but it wasn’t Callum Scott
I'm trying to find a song with the lyrics "lost in the moment" and a mix of electronic and pop elements in the melody. Can anyone help me identify the song?
Lost in a Moment by Sad Lovers and Giants?
no soul let drain from my body like a pipe take yours for the price of all of us
This is an older song my grandpa used to sing but I can't find it, please help me :(
Lyrics: There playing the song for loved ones, the song I've been waiting to hear. But the girl i'm wanting to dance with, isn't anywhere near, anywhere near...
That's all I have and I've been looking everywhere for it
I'm trying to identify a song with similar lyrics to "G . Ah aha ah ah i did it an do it again". Can anyone help?
I'm looking for a song that sounds like the chick's. I only remember one line. I think it says "let me show you where im gonna be". Any ideas?
So I’m looking for a rap/hip-hop song that it sounds like the male rapper is saying “faith feyalla, faith feyalla” as the song fades out or maybe not fades out but in my head it sounds like the song was fading out, but he for sure says ^^ or something that sounds like “faith feyalla”
I am looking for a song, it is a motivational one, it has beats and i can only remember the vocals as nari narina ri na o nari narinarina , sattu futo salum kidhe saduma kudam saluntarge
It's an upbeat song sung by a couple of people but you can mostly hear a woman's voice. The lyrics I remember are "Bili bala bill bala" or something like that.
I'm looking for song information on "No Joy In Mudville" by Death Cab for Cutie. Can anyone help me find it?
Looking for a song that sounds like the chick's. I only remember one line I think it says "let me show you where im gonna be". Any ideas?
Im looking for a song whit lyric "my baby.. cos i am crazy.. i never said that.. i am not alright/its allright (always repeated its allrigh or its allnight; I cant remember which one).. the song has rnb vibe 90s or 20s early, two male in the song.. please help me find..
im looking for a song with "walking" or "working" all the time in it, it's a well known song and i think i've seen it in a fight scene in a film, british punk kinda vibe
"i seen you in the club, i like the way you ride, i m looking for some love i gotta make you mine, so come with me, i show you a good time" please help me find the song which has the above lyrics
I have 2 songs I’ve been trying to look for, the first song had an intro with a girl talking to her dad and the girl tells her dad to come pick her up but the dad can’t pick her up because he was busy, I don’t remember anything else after that. The second song I barely remember, the only lyric I know is the singer singing the word cylinder and he says yeah after that I believe and I unfortunately don’t remember the rest of this song.
Looking for a rap song that has the same riser synth in the beginning as “Put On” by Young Jeezy, all I can remember is the first lyrics are something like “walking around…” with the rapper having a deeper voice.
I'm looking for 1970 - 1980 song that sounds like Patty Labelle with the lyrics that include "People need understanding, or nothing at all..."
I'm looking for a song that I heard playing in Walmart. It was a female singing it. And the lyrics were like "what's wrong with me and something about being an underachiever. It's a great song and I think it must be fairly new.
I have been looking for a old country song my mom use to play over and over it is sung by a man I remember these lyrics upstairs in the bathroom she planning to cheat combining her hair and fixing up neat down stairs in the back room I'm holding my head and wishing it's done it's just about time for the phone to ring twice she'll slip down the stairway smelling like spice please if anyone knows this song email me crystalramey6@gmail.com really mean Lot to me that was her favorite song
I need to find this song where a man is singing and playing the guitar and it says something like “let’s quit our jobs today and we can……” it sounds like folk maybe. It’s in this video but i can’t find it anywhere https://youtu.be/l7O476NsYcc
Song from the seventies " If you add all the hurt and the pain, take it away from love, there will still be some love left over, still be some love left over".
I've been trying to think of the name of the song it goes " we gon spin the bend catch a n**** on the back street and clap my fn"
looking for a 90's country song. I remember the lyrics "I'm gona set myself down in the Mojave, where no one will ever know I let my tears flow, into the dust to make a river through death valley, I'm gona wash away, her loving memory, And cry, if I want to, Hide out in the middle of nowhere and let it go" But for some reason all my searches come up empty.
Hi, im looking for a song, i dont remember the lyrics i just know it had an electric guitar that started on a low note and started to escalate. A female in the back singing the melodie, i dont know why cant i rememeber it. Its a chill song please help me find it
I've been looking for a song since 1990! I heard it on the radio in Stockholm Sweden all the time when I was there. This was the autumn/fall of 1990.
''1, 2, 3, 4,
I just want more,
baby I love you...
5, 6, 7, 8,
i just can't wait,
do you love me too...
Feel the rythm and free your soul,
feel the rythm and take control.
I'm your dream, make it real
I'm? your pain when you can't feel
Gotta be strong,gotta be strong
let me control what's going on
If you can help find this song, I would be very grateful.
looking for a song:
"how we should, we were all..."
or something like that
ok so bear with me because this song may just be a fever dream no idea the lyrics, but I think the plot followed a teen girl who at some point was in the car with some guy and got stabbed because she was making like bad choices? I've been looking forever but you can imagine how hard it's been this has been bothering me for years.
plss help me
its a rock-punk song (idk) but the lyrics are like this
i wanna play my music as loud i can
i wanna grow my hair down to my knees
i dont want a job
i dont want to be a number more