I edit a file called files/en-us/glossary/bézier_curve/index.html and then type git status and I get this:

▶ git status
Changes not staged for commit:
    modified:   "files/en-us/glossary/b\303\251zier_curve/index.html"


What's that?! First of all, I actually had this wrapped in a Python script that uses GitPython to analyze the output of for change in repo.index.diff(None):. So I got...

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '"files/en-us/glossary/b\\303\\251zier_curve/index.html"'

What's that?!

At first, I thought it was something wrong with how I use GitPython and thought I could force some sort of conversion to UTF-8 with Python. That, and to strip the quotation parts with something like path = path[1:-1] if path.startwith('"') else path

After much googling and experimentation, what totally solved all my problems was to run:

▶ git config --global core.quotePath false

Now you get...:

▶ git status
Changes not staged for commit:
    modified:   files/en-us/glossary/bézier_curve/index.html


And that also means it works perfectly fine with any GitPython code that does something with the repo.index.diff(None) or repo.index.diff(repo.head.commit).

Also, we I use the git-diff-action GitHub Action which would fail to spot files that contained umlauts but now I run this:

       - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: Config git core.quotePath
+        run: git config --global core.quotePath false
       - uses: technote-space/get-diff-action@v4.0.6
         id: git_diff_content


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