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Trivial but powerful tips for nosetests

November 19, 2011
0 comments Python

I'm clearly still a nosetests beginner because it was only today that I figured out how to set certain plugins to always be on.

First of all you might like these plugins too:

$ pip install rudolf
$ pip install disabledoc

Docs: rudolf and disabledoc

To get these gorgeous little tricks into every run of nosetests edit the file ~/.noserc and add the following:


That should make your life a little easier.


I've since managed to shoot myself in both legs with messing around with nosetests plugins because I heavily rely on django-nose in Django. Long story short: be careful if you get strange import related errors!

Slides about Kwissle from yesterdays London Python Dojo

July 8, 2011
0 comments Python

Since this was published, I've abandoned the domain name. So no link no more.

Here are the slides from yesterday's London Python Dojo event.

I presented and demo'ed "Kwissle" to my fellow Python London friends and focused a lot on the technology but also tried to plug the game a bit.

Having seen that there's a lot of interest in "socket" related web applications about I thought this was a good chance to say that you don't need NodeJS and that tornadio is a great framework for that.

Optimization story involving something silly I call "dict+"

June 13, 2011
0 comments Python, MongoDB

Here's a little interesting story about using MongoKit to quickly draw items from a MongoDB

So I had a piece of code that was doing a big batch update. It was slow. It took about 0.5 seconds per user and I sometimes had a lot of users to run it for.

The code looked something like this:

 for play in db.PlayedQuestion.find({'user.$id': user._id}):
    if play.winner == user:
    elif play.draw:

Because the model PlayedQuestion contains DBRefs MongoKit will automatically look them up for every iteration in the main loop. Individually very fast (thank you indexes) but because of the number of operations very slow in total. Here's how to make it much faster:

   for play in db.PlayedQuestion.collection.find({'user.$id': user._id}):

The problem with this is that you get dict instances for each which is more awkward to work with. I.e. instead of `play.winner` you have use `play['winner'].id`. Here's my solution that makes this a lot easier:

class dict_plus(dict):

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
       if 'collection' in kwargs:  # excess we don't need
       dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

   def _wrap_internal_dicts(self):
       for key, value in self.items():
           if isinstance(value, dict):
               self[key] = dict_plus(value)

   def __getattr__(self, key):
       if key.startswith('__'):
           raise AttributeError(key)
       return self[key]


 for play in db.PlayedQuestion.collection.find({'user.$id': user._id}):
    play = dict_plus(play)
    if == user._id:
    elif play.draw:

Now, the whole thing takes 0.01 seconds instead of 0.5. 50 times faster!! - launched and ready!

April 6, 2011
1 comment Python, Tornado

Today Felinx Lee and I launched which is a site for discussing gists related to Tornado (python web framework open sourced by Facebook).

Everyone in the Tornado community seems to solve similar problems in different ways. Oftentimes, these solutions are just a couple of lines or so and not something you can really turn into a full package with and everything.

Sharing a snippet of code is a great way to a) help other people and b) to get feedback on your solutions.

The goal is to make it a very open and active project with lots of contributors. I'll be accepting and reviewing all forks but hopefully control will be opened up to all Tornado developers. Also, since the code is quite generic to any open source project Felinx and I might one day port this to or or something like that. After all, Github does all the heavy lifting and we just wrap it up nicely.

More productive than Lisp? Really??!

March 10, 2011
0 comments Python

Erann Gat reveals why he lost his mojo with Lisp

What caught my attention (for busy people who don't want to read the whole email):

"So I can't really go into many specifics about what happened at Google because of confidentiality, but the upshot was this: I saw, pretty much for the first time in my life, people being as productive and more in other languages as I was in Lisp. What's more, once I got knocked off my high horse (they had to knock me more than once -- if anyone from Google is reading this, I'm sorry) and actually bothered to really study some of these other languges I found myself suddenly becoming more productive in other languages than I was in Lisp. For example, my language of choice for doing Web development now is Python."

I'm currently studying Lisp myself and it's hard. Really hard. I blame it on being spoiled with a programming language that I can work in without having to read the manual. With python's brilliant introspection I can use the interpreter to find out how a library works just by using help() and dir() without even having to read the source code. (not always true of course)

As we're entering the 21st century, the new contender "Usability" is becoming more and more important. Considering that I've now done Python for more than a decade I remind myself one of the reasons I liked it so much; yes, exactly that: Usability.

Connecting with psycopg2 without a username and password

February 24, 2011
12 comments Python

My colleague Lukas and I banged our heads against this for much too long today. So, our SQLAlchemy is was configured like this:

ENV_DB_CONNECTION_DSN = postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase

And the database doesn't have a password (local) so I can log in to it like this on the command line:

$ psql mydatabase

Which assumes the username peterbe which is what I'm logged in. So, this is a shortcut for doing this:

$ psql mydatabase -U peterbe

Which, assumes a blank/empty password.

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.

How I profile my Nginx + proxy pass server

February 16, 2011
3 comments Web development, Python

Like so many others you probably have an Nginx server sitting in front of your application server (Django, Zope, Rails). The Nginx server serves static files right off the filesystem and when it doesn't do that it proxy passes the request on to the backend. You might be using proxy_pass, uwsgi or fastcgi_pass or at least something very similar. Most likely you have an Nginx site configure something like this:

server {
   access_log /var/log/nginx/mysite.access.log;
   location ^~ /static/ {
       root /var/lib/webapp;
       access_log off;
   location / {
       proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;

What I do is that I add an access log directive that times every request. This makes it possible to know how long every non-trivial request takes for the backend to complete:

server {
   log_format timed_combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local]  ' 
                             '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                             '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $request_time';
   access_log /var/log/nginx/timed.mysite.access.log timed_combined;

   location ^~ /css/ {
       root /var/lib/webapp/static;
       access_log off;
   location / {
       proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.

To code or to pdb in Python

December 20, 2010
6 comments Python

To code or to pdb in Python This feels like a bit of a face-plant moment but I've never understood why anyone would use the code module when you can use the pdb when the pdb is like the code module but with less.

What you use it for is to create you own custom shell. Django does this nicely with it's shell management command. I often find myself doing this:

$ python
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56) 
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from this import that
>>> from module import something
>>> from db import connection
>>> con = connection('', bla=True)
>>> con.insert(something(that))

And there's certain things I almost always import (depending on the project). So use code to write your own little custom shell loader that imports all the stuff you need. Here's one I wrote real quick. Ultra useful time-saver:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import code, re
if __name__ == '__main__':
   from apps.main.models import *
   from mongokit import Connection
   from pymongo.objectid import InvalidId, ObjectId
   con = Connection()
   db = con.worklog
   print "AVAILABLE:"
   print '\n'.join(['\t%s'%x for x in locals().keys()
                    if re.findall('[A-Z]\w+|db|con', x)])
   print "Database available as 'db'"

This is working really well for me and saving me lots of time. Hopefully someone else finds it useful.

Welcome to the world:

November 22, 2010
0 comments Python, Tornado

Welcome to the world: After about two months of evening hacking I'm finally ready to release my latest project:

It's a simple calendar that doesn't get in your way. You just click on a day and type what you did that day. DoneCal can be an ideal replacement to boring spreadsheet-like timesheets. And unlike regular timesheets/timetrackers with tags you immediately get statistics about how you've spent your time.

I'm personally excited about the Bookmarklet because I practically live in my webbrowser and now I can quickly type what I've just done (could be a piece of support work for a client) with one single click.

If you're a project manager trying to track what your developers are working on, ask them to start tracking time on DoneCal and then ask them to share their calendar with you. They can set up their share so that it only shares on relevant tags.

I'm going to improving it more and more as feedback comes in. Hopefully later this week I'm going to be writing about the technical side of this since this is my first web app built with the uber-fast Tornado framework

jsonpprint - a Python script to format JSON data nicely

November 21, 2010
5 comments Python

This isn't rocket science but it might help someone else.

I often do testing of my various restful HTTP APIs on the command line with curl but often the format the server spits out is very compact and not easy to read. So I pipe it to a little script I've written. Used like this:

$ curl http://worklog/api/events.json?u=1234 | jsonpprint
{'events': [{'allDay': True,
            'end': 1290211200.0,
            'id': '4ce6a2096da6814e5b000000',
            'start': 1290211200.0,
            'title': '@DoneCal test sample'},
           {'allDay': True,
            'end': 1290729600.0,
            'id': '4ce6a22b6da6814e5b000001',

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.