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I'm looking for a song that goes...


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Looking for an old obscure song. Moody slow but with eletronica type sound and synthesizer. Male voice that kind of mumbles. Lyrics are "and we're gonna die someday...(other lyrics) ..wish there.. was another way... ohhhhhhhhh Im not scared" then the synthesizer comes in and to the beat of like dodo Do dodo Do dodo Do while the male singer hums/sighs. I heard it on a youtube video maybe 10 years ago. It used to be in the video of an alternate ending to Vanilla Sky, idk if that could help. Cant find video anymore.

Brandon Derrick

Im looking for a song where the music video involves a female artist singing in the kitchen and I think its raining outside the kitchen window. The kitchen is dark I think.


does anyone know a song that goes 'come inside~~' 'just a little' and then high pitched huh huh. The vocals are very high pitched. I heard this song from a mc PvP resources pack video around 7 years ago and I wanted to find it. The song has a similar vibe to deathbed by powfu and monster by Meg & dia although the song is fast paced. I still remember the melody too


The theme from Mickey Mouse clubhouse


someone replied with Mickey mouse : šŸ’€: that is def not it


female singer 80s
"who would i (be/dance) with in the end of the night"


Holding Out for a Hero
Song by Bonnie Tyler

Sam w

I am looking for the lyrics of a song by Fiona (no surname or other names on album) - song is called take my heart (soul reggae vibe) ( the lyrics I have written could be wrong but similar)

some of the lyrics go - Closer dont wanna take your heart while am strong enough to make another start, oh oh leave I'll rather take you heart give it to whoever in your arms take your heart, take your heart

Andy Madison

I'm looking for a soul 70/60s probably, that has a part that goes like this: here's something that i want you to know (Something like)

I have an sample from it here:


Recorded from Y-Rock, Philadelphia.

Y-Rock was broadcasting under the name "Back to bed" 2006-2010.

... by mechanical people.
My mind is occupied,
With answers I can't seem to find.
So I wonder as I wander,
Is this by some shape or design.
Or am I wired a different way?

I might as well go back to bed,
Too ...

Veks Halkaysi

I remember this song, I remember these cool like robot sounds after the singer says "mechanical people" and I dont remember the artist but i'm pretty sure the song is called like "Too much time" or "Too much fun" or something like that


Do you have any more info on this? Any clue where you heard it and when? I'd love to find this song


Veks halkaysi do you have any more info?

Veks halkaysi

Yes,I heard it visiting the US in 2010 In maryland, baltimore, Febuary 2010, and looking back at it I think the title wasnā€™t too much time or fun, But it does start with a Too or to, Iremember it, and thatā€™s all,sorry my english is not good really


Hey, i have song, Not on internet
.but it called "Enough Is Enough" by APOLLO

Endistic Akarah

Do you have any more information and are you able to send a recording of the song? lets you record audio (microphone button) or upload an audio file (upload button above and to the left of the microphone button)

Endistic Akarah

Do you have any more information? Are you able to post it to Vocaroo?


its "John Snow - Brighter Days"!


Iā€™m looking for this song I canā€™t remember many of the lyrics except the chorus that says ā€œ you, me and you, you, me and you.ā€


I am looking for an upbeat pop song that was on an 80's channel. A guy sang it and I think some of the lyrics went, I don't know why I feel like crying.


Awesome acoustic song, can't find it anywhere.
Lyrics are something like-:
All I want is to see my home, I've been away for so long

Nuno TomƔs

Iā€™ve struggling to identify a song that recently keeps coming back in my mind. Tbh, I donā€™t remember if It is from the 2010ā€™s decade or even from the 90ā€™s house scene.
Iā€™m sure either it is stored in one of my thousandā€™s tapes (90ā€™s) or in a Hard Drive.
I can remember the song & lyrics (at least part of it) and the voice of the singer (male but with a thin voice).
The part of the lyrics I can remember is the several times repeated chorus (mainly by the end of track) that goes like thisā€¦
ā€œJust wanna spend (my) time with youā€
It is repeated several times by the lyrics end and also with a ā€œbaby yeahā€ cross mixed with the repeated chorus (the ā€œyeahā€ is extended - yeaaaah).

Not much of info. Probably will end up with no identification or I got to have a one year vacation time to listen all my old tapes and hard drives šŸ«¤

Itā€™s house/deep house music.


Reminds me of Spend The Night by Danny J Lewis. That was speed garage though, not house, so I'm unsure if it's the song you're thinking of.

Tina roopra

In footballers wives series 3 episode 8 thereā€™s a 70s party and towards the end plays a song in the background ā€¦ r and bā€¦ with some lyrics itā€™s real baby ā€¦ can anyone please tell me what it is?? Thanks


The song is called My Fantasy by Steve Jeffries. YouTube only has the instrumental version . You can Google this to listen to the song with vocals :
My Fantasy Full Vocal Mix Warren Chappelle Production Music


Thanks so much. You are kind


You're welcome ā˜†


I need help finding a song. I've looked through a lot of places trying to find it. Part of it goes 'this sickness is' then something comes after that and sometimes later it's goes 'bya yayaya'


Keep on hopin we ??? By the ocean

Remember when it was on an ad for a SpongeBob or Dora vhs




Guys, help me find a song. In the movie Over night Delivery sound a song with lyrics : and now I know we've reached the end. Female vocals, rock band. But there is no sound in titles


It could be Paint Me by Sleeper but I don't think it matches your lyrics. There aren't many songs in the film, if this isn't the song, I suggest you type in overnight delivery soundtrack in Google and see go through them list.


Looking for song/artist from late 80s-early 90s. Powerful woman lead
"Go on/close your eyes"...."follow you"

That's all I've got. It came back to me in a dream last night!

EDIT Found it thanks to the search tool on this site!! Should have used that first! Thanks


Iā€™m looking for a cover version of a song

Song:7 years
Original Artist:Lukas Graham
Music-OG:Soul Pop(with hip hop elements)
Station:RedFm Ireland
Instrumental:Music box/Piano no beat

NOTE:The ā€œmomma told me goā€ sounds like ā€œmomma told amigoā€


Nicole cross?


Iā€™ve looked everywhere for this grownups song

In a minute
Imma need a
Man or woman

Help me find it


Lizzo -- About D@mn Time
Lizzo -- About that Time


Lizzo -- About D*mn Time

Lilly Zelious

About D*mn Time by Lizzo


Stepping out, I think.
In a minute
Imma need a
Man or woman
To pump me up

Jasleen Kaur

I have been hearing this song on Snapchat over and over again in different accounts.
It goes something like this "I told you not to mess around and you've been acting too mysterious. You didn't think I'd go but do you know you never took me seriously."
Then it goes something like _________ You don't have time for me. You are welcome. Look at me.

Kindly reply if anyone knows this song.


Hi .. you might try the song: Your Loss by Brianna Haze


Does anyone know this song? It's slow with a countryish kind of sound, soft male vocal with female backing vocal. Instruments sound like banjo, acoustic guitar, slide guitar. I only heard a small part of it that went:

Would you tell me if you could?
Would you tell me if you're gone for good?
You don't have to but you should
If you're gone for good
If you're gone for good

Olivia blair

I neeed help with finding a song I just woke up and started humming the song ,canā€™t find the artist or forgot the artist hereā€™s lyrics I remember , ā€œ we can do this , all night , all night we can do this all night alright ā€œ


Your lyrics don't seem to quite fit a song. Are you definitely sure about the words? Suggestions come up, but do not match what you have put exactly.


idk if this platform is still being used but, iā€™m willing to give it a try šŸ„¹

iā€™m looking for this type of korean(?) song in this instagram reel and i have zero luck. the lyrics in english i hear are: ā€œjust tryna kiss kiss youā€. sounds like its a slowed version.

hereā€™s two links with the song!


Help me find a song heard it in a movie REACH.Takecaere of me and my fragile heart it's yours to keep


Keeper of My Dreams ā€¢ by Fantom's (?)


Iā€™m looking for a a rap that goes lil ni**a hoping for a** clap f*ck that s*it with a motherfu**cking cashapp

Anthony Palmer

Does anyone know the name of the song and artist in at timestamp 8:44? I searched the lyrics everywhere and used every single song identifier I know and found nothing. If anyone knows, please reply.


it says" Never going down" PromoBox In the video description. hope that helps.

Anthony Palmer

I have tried searching with that song name before. Google never came up with the song in the video. It would be more helpful if you gave me the artist/band.

Ben Clark

My family and I have been trying to find this song we used to listen to pre 2010s, it was maybe electronic and was definitely bass driven. I can remember the verse and chorus well enough including the melody, but I can't find the song anywhere no matter how hard I try. The lyrics go something like "When can I see you again? When can I feel you again? When can I kiss you again, my love? My love?" And the chorus is "I'm going crazy, cause you're not here (cause you're not here). I'm going crazy (going crazy), I need you near". Male singer, kind of heavy and slow sounding. Had to be 90's or really early 2000s, my mom used to have it on her myspace page.
Google, Shazam, Sound Hound, Youtube, lyric searching sites, none of them know what I'm talking about.


is it see you again by tyler the creator?


no, older, 90's or very early 2000's


Sounds like you're possibly mixing two song together from somewhere around 90's to early 2000's, one being "Crazy" by "K-Ci & JoJo".


No, I've already been through hundreds of songs and that was one of the top results, I'd never even heard that song before I began searching and they sound nothing alike. The song im looking for is almost like emo club music. Imagine spiderman 3 when he gets weird, thats kind of the vibe it has. It'd make sense if you heard it lol


theres this song on this website, and its the only website its one. its called AirHeads by seamoretheseal and i cant find any other information on it other than the lyrics, like no release date or cover just lyrics and who its by. Theres also this other song by seamoretheseal that i can only find on like 3 websites its called Dance and again, no cover or release date just lyrics so if anyone could find how to listen to them thatd be GREAT.. ive been researching on deleted SMTS songs for a year now and can find barely anything on these 2 songs sooo thanks!


I've been searching for this song I once heard on a Christian radio station called 105.9 Shine FM. I remember the melody and some of the lyrics. It's most likely a contemporary Christian song released sometime in the 2000s - 2010s. Here are some of the lyrics I vaguely remember:

"If love's really an ocean...(???)"
"Could this love be an ocean..." (x2)

"Can you hear when I call out?
"Can you hear when I cry out?"
"Can you hear when I call out?"
"I'm asking for you to come"

That's all I remember. I've been looking for this song for years. I've tried Google, Youtube, and every music website to no avail. At this point, I'm half tempted to think this song doesn't even exist. Nonetheless, if there's anyone who might know the song I'm talking about, please let me know. Thanks.


I think the band is Red, I can't remember the name though

joyce crouch

Need name of song w lyrics Buh Buh Buh baby, baby babyā€¦.

Kim Adams

You ainā€™t seen nothing yet by BTO


I need a song that has to do with " oh yeah yeah I need somebody oh yeah yeah feels like it's magic" it's not the weekend song but I just can't figure out who the artists is.


I heard a song once 10 years ago maybe, it's a song about a one night stand i think the girls name is jenny, its a rock song and at the end she leave a note saying call me if (maybe the word is when) you want to scream.


Darling Nikki by Prince


Help me find this song I can't remember it fully but I know there's a lyric that goes like "Just remember my name" or sounds like It's a guy's voice somehow deep, and the song has a lot of high pitch piano. Kind of gives of 2000's song or older vibes.


Hi guys. I recently watched the movie "platoon leader" and I wanted to know the song by the lines. Lines: "we can change this a hear calling. i wanna kiss that. we can change everybody. I wanna kiss this" somehow. And the timecode of the movie where it was: 6:05. Please help me, the song is very much sunk in(


All music used in movies is listed in the credits


Trying to find a song which has (I think) BABYMETAL do a refrain near the end that's a repeated chant of
"Give it up, give it up for ????? metal" (the ????? is either death, heavy, dirty or baby iirc).

That's the only part I can remember; not sure when it was released or much else. Fwiw, I think the song was heavyish indie-rock sounding.

It's bugging the hell out of me as all searches just lead me to other songs.

Gia Lewis

I donā€™t know what this website is but Iā€™m here trying to find a song and came across your comment. Is it Thrash Metal Cassette by Dinosaur Pile-Up? If it is then thatā€™s crazy haha. Great song. Itā€™s not BABYMETAL but sure sounds like that vibe in the chant.


@Gia Lewis (recieved an email but can't see the reply here?!)
Yes! That's it! Thank you soooooo much. The BABYMETAL-esque bridge threw me to the extent I kept putting them in my search for the song - no wonder I couldn't find it XD

If anyone else cares (and can't see the reply like me), the song I was looking for was 'Thrash Metal Cassette' by Dinosaur Pile-Up


Looking for a song I barely know the lyrics to; it's a female artist I think it's a more of a modern edm slow beat and really breathy song. The only lyrics I really know is the chourus, "baby come take me home and ahh ahh Haha ahh hahh Haha haahh." at least that's what I think she's saying lol The start of the song is very distinctive. It's her just sort of humming with a sound in the background that reminds me of the train track intersection closing bell or something lol I'll be damned if someone actually finds the song.

Ren Lee

You might try searching Imogen Heap.


Lyrics:,,I wanna kiss you"
Song is propably from 2010-2016
It was house music or something like this
Slow music


Which song has this lyrics "just shut up you bringing me down". I heard the song in Darby and the ghost, it was played in the scene where her father took her to school.


the song is Buzzkill by Babyqueen


I'm looking for a slow song singing by woman with such words.
"....there was the time when my life was wrong didn't ......."
I will be very thankful for the help.


heard a song today from a party wayyyy down the street, didn't really catch much other than that it was a girl singing, it had a 90s pop song vibe to it, pretty upbeat, and it sounded like she sang - something "my heart you're" something- over and over again. Voice sounded kinda like celine dion-ish? It was NOT my heart will go on or tell it to my heart, i'm sure of that much.


I'm looking for a song, I believe the singer is Jonny Craig? and it has the line "I'll be your armor"

Jonathan lee heres the link to the song only problem is i cant find the name it kinda sounds like doo wop


Does anybody know this song? It was on a YouTube Ad. I can only remember a few lyrics. It was a female artist.

ā€œHe put a spell on my bodyā€
ā€œI know he canā€™t be trusted but I need itā€

Or something like that. If anybody knows please comment. Been trying to find it for hours now.


Maybe you meant "I Put a spell on you" by Sonic?


I'm trying to find it was on YouTube add. And it has lyrics in it"and it started with you"


My answers to a couple of people here haven't appeared for some reason, so:

@Anonymous on 5th August 2023 - the song is Buzzkill by Babyqueen

@Hunter shores on May 28th 2023 - very much sounds like the middle part of Freak On A Leash by Korn

@Nuno TomƔs on July 10th 2023 - reminds me of Spend The Night by Danny J Lewis, but that was Speed Garage not house :/


Okay this is VERY MUCH not alot to go off of. It's an old rock song I believe. This part of the song he gets louder and holds the notes much longer. "Allllll iiiii knowwwww. I hate myselffffff" that should be the right lyrics. it just popped into my head and now I need it

Amber Black

idk, but for some reason im thinking it could be a linked park song, or the drug in me is you by falling in reverse...that song is very expicet soo... ya but idk good luck

christoffer hoff

Need some help, there is this old school techno, trance / edm song which has these lyrics in them "Sweet madness, brings me to my knees" it's so damn good. Pretty sure it's a bit upbeat and chill, used to listen to this around 2008-2010 pretty sure.


Sweet dreams by La Bouche, maybe?


This sounds absolutely ridiculous but I can't get this song out of my head. All I remember is a female voice singing, "and I~~" in the chorus or post chorus? (It has a similar rhythm to Tom Rosenthal - Lights are on) and has a solemn feel so I probably heard it in my sad hours playlist while crying myself to sleep ā˜ ļø (tmi). Also I'm thinking it could be a popular tiktok sound ā˜ ļø


I think I'm looking for the same one! Does it have a tech-like feel to it, like a pulsing electronic beat that gets higher pitched?


Found the one I was looking for. Solitude by M83, Felsmann and Tiley interpretation.


I need to find a song that says ā€œThey all think Iā€™m crazyā€ by a male singer in the early 2000s


Might be Gnarles Barkley - Crazy ?

What a shame, because my lover was a snake song

What a shame, because my lover wanna snake song


Hi guys, I just saw the instagram story of Peggy gou and there was this song :ā€because itā€™s something that itā€™s on, itā€™s on my mind and it goes like nananananaā€ from a female singer.

Ivy K

its from peggy gou it goes like nanana


There's this metal (?) song way back in old school WoW era (tbc 2007-2008 ish) where one PvP video had some fighting in Arathi Basin. This song had a rather high BPM if I recall correctly, a lot of guitar and a male vocalist. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the vocalist was more in the tenor range vocally, and sang quite cleanly but from the gut (might hint towards slight opera tendencies). The thing is I recall very little from the song, only what I - believe - is the chorus, going something like:
"Cause the outer/others chase my inside, everyday I must believe".
It should be somewhere around the 2000-2010 rock/metal era but I can't find it for the life of me.

Jade Cardwell

I'm trying to find this song I heard on Beverly Hills 90210 Season 6. It's the scene where Donna and Joe are dancing at a nightclub. The lyrics are "Keep our love alive, Keep the fire burning, Burning deep inside, Keep our love alive" I really like it and I hope I find it.

Ivy K

maybe its,"modern talking keep love alive?"


I am looking for a gospel rock song with the lyrics "We know that you are Good,we know that you are good". Something like that
Should have been recommended on 2018 or 2019

Ivy K

I know you are good the church will sing. maybe this one


Looking for a song. I thought it was by Xeno Carr, but I couldnā€™t seem to find it. The singer sounds similar, and all I can remember is that the song ended with the guy singing the word ā€œYouā€ three times in a row. It was probably released somewhere between 2010-2018 if I were to guess. I know this isnā€™t anything to go off so I do apologize.

Ivy K

maybe the Ames brothers you you you? posted 10 years ago and released in 1953


I'm looking for a song from the old school WoW era (I guess TBC), one of those typical rock/metal pvp songs. My gut feeling says it's leaning towards metal and was released between 2000-2010, but I can't be 100% certain on that. It's a male vocalist with a tenor-ish voice range, and a rather high bpm. It features a lot of electric guitar if I remember correctly, and the only lyrics I kind of remember goes something like: "Cause the outer/others chase my inside everyday I must believe". Anyone got any ideas?

help me

Looking for a song from a zumba class. Only parts I recognize below

"Hey! Hey!"
"Everybody smile"
"It's story time"

Parts are in spanish and parts are english

Dave Dauss

I need help finding a 90's rap song featuring Coolio and the track may be from a Movie Soundtrack.
Lyrics: down on my mother fuckin luck hangin at the park shooting dice and I just got bucked and now I'm mad cuz I'm broke as hell plus a niggers unemployed and I just got out of jail so now I got to come up on a lick but the lick that I get can't be no bullshit, so I got to call up my nigga, my nigga tie yeah my homie from wayside yo nigga what's up I need a lick he told me to trip I know this fool off of 75th he has a safe and a whole lot of yay, 2 64's and a ragtop sitting on them things he said this mother fucker was worth 10 mil, I said cool then it's a done deal, went to the pad and grabbed my black ski mask put it on tight so nobody could see my ass so now I got the Mac with the tella just in case these motherfuckers want to play Goodfellas call up the crew hey Coolio this motherfucker said he knew this nigger with some loot, so what's it gonna be Jack, kidnap or rape nah mother fucker just murdered in the take, cool let's set it up aight nigga here I come, hung up the phone went to my room and I grab another gun, slapped on my khakis I'm gone went outside and jumped in the bucket motherfucker it's on


W.C. and Maad Circle - Quick Way Out


Wc and the MAAD circle - quick way out

Chet Shoe

There is a rap song where in the background for the whole time its a woman/choir going "aaaaaall I neeeeeed, aaaaal I need" and I can't for the life of me remember what its from


Your all i need by Method Man and Mary J Blige.. great song im pretty sure thats what your looking for

Isaac Stoevsand

I'm looking for an indie song sung by a male artist. The lyrics I can remember go like "where you wanna go? Girl I wanna know. I can take you anywhere." And I think the title or most of the song was about travel? Let me know if it sounds familiar. Came out before 2019.

Gia Lewis

Canā€™t Stand Me Now by Libertines?


Can someone pls help me find the name of this one song I heard it on a sound on tiktok and thereā€™s a beat drop then in the background a guy is mumbling something like ā€œyeah I donā€™t need no one ā€œ


im looking for a song that i heard back on the radio in 2012 i think it goes (this is how it goes i know that i can feel good) or somthing


Thank you so much to the person who helped me find the song! :D I can rest easy now

Lempy Napp

Looking for a song that I think was done by The Dorians, a Canadian group from the Windsor area... Part of the lyrics, and possibly the name of the song.... "when you were 18 and I was 21"... Have asked several folks over the years, but no one seems to be able to come up with anything. I remember hearing it on the radio at the time (late 1960's, early 70's)..I was dating a girl at the time and it applied to us.....


The Dorians had a song called: If I Were 21 and You Were 24 . I've never heard the song and I can't find it on YouTube so this is just a total guess . Good luck with your search *


I'm looking for a song where a blonde woman is singing. For parts of the music video she is a bath tub and I also remember her throwing a glass vase against the wall. She was also laying on the beach and it was kinda dark but it was really night and the waves were coming in and getting her wet.

scarlett f

I cant find this song ive been hearing on yt shorts it goes like "ahoh ahoh ah ah *guitar riff* and words after that in an anime girl voice. theres also a dance that goes with it. pls help

Ivy K

ella quiere mmm ah mmm version anime ?

Bunny Valentine

Not sure if you've found it yet, but its called carmelldansen

Sunday Maren Mashat

Pls the music is not a country music but rather a disco/funk. It was sang sometimes around 1987 & 1988. So pls help me with the name of the artist.


Looking for a song I canā€™t remember

Iā€™m looking for this metal song by a band that has a female vocalist who has clean vocals. In this particular song and music video I remember she had short hair, and the lyrics said something about ā€œstay with meā€ or ā€œstay foreverā€. I couldā€™ve sworn that the name of that song had the word dragon in it but I just canā€™t find what Iā€™m looking for. Anyone have any insight?

Ivy K

Maybe Delain stay forever?


Help find a song. IN A MOVIE Overnight delivery 1998 in the end can hear the female voice. She sings "and now I know we reached the end". But in final titles has no that song.


Looking for punk alike song,mid 90,very early 2000,starting with only one string of guitar,soon drum is add,and part of lyrics is "youll'be sorry when im gone",is lively,is not adam song for sure..thank you


Could it be ā€žwhen iā€˜m goneā€œ by simple plan? Not as old, from 2008, but description kinda fits




I thought of this song: by All American Rejects.


āž”ļø Blink-182 - Adam's song - March 2000:
Easy one šŸ‘

Ivy K

hello I'm looking for a song I heard about a few years ago I really tried everything looking for it but nothing came out The lyrics go like this "Guess I've never been cool for the things you made me do" and something like this "yea Im tryna stay cool but you make me look like a fool I can't live without you" I heard the song on an add it was maybe over 7 minutes long and it was like an outer space background the song was mixed English and german, i really like that song but unfortunately i cannot find it i hope someone will find the song for me.

Nathan Forester

Looking for a song that was on the UK compliation 'Now That's What I Call Music 51' or 'Now That's What I Call Music 48', it was kind of a dance song with a latin beat, female singer and the lyrics were 'in your body' or 'your soul' related, I cannot remember the title but it was used in a CBBC compilation.

Nina Smith

i need help finding this song. i think itā€™s a reggae but itā€™s really upbeat. the chorus, i believe has the lyrics

ā€œand are you ready to do this one more time?ā€

really upbeat and fun, almost like a wedding song.

Julia Carter

It could be ā€˜Starships ā€˜ by Niki Minaj but that is a very obvious one so I donā€™t really know


This was a song I remember having harsh female vocals and being something along the lines of 'if the other person cheated there would be consequences.'

I remember the song starting with "you better--" and then listing something about what the other person should/shouldn't do. I think there was a point where she mentions a girl being in the other persons top 10 myspace friends (yes, it's that old).

During one point of the song she starts saying 'I love you' over and over before screaming it and the chorus strikes up again.

I never watched reality TV, but I remember this being by a reality tv show star. At this point, I'm not sure if it actually was.


I have been trying to find a song I heard 5 years ago. I had the song but changed to song title to MYFAVE it starts with two guys on a train checking out a girl.. guy sounds like burner boy..I only remember bits n pieces. In the middle of the night, girl I dream(or think?) about ya no lie..there is also a female vocalist.. please h3lp

John turcott

Hi, I heard a song last night and hope someone can help, it was a female with a raspy beautiful voice and lyrics about please call me I'm so lonely sitting by the phone for hours....


I found it, sorry, don't know how to delete my comment!

Tammy B.

Please help me find this song. It's a country song, it was out in the early/ mid 90s it was sung by a female artist. The name of the song is Drive Time, the lyrics are something very much like:

Driving to work every morning
thinking 'bout last night
We're treating each other like strangers
Baby it ain't right

then a few lines I forget

Too much drive time
it's driving me crazy
thinking that maybe
we ain't as close as we used to be
it's driving me out of my mind
too much drive time

I can not remember who sang it, and google can't find it by the lyrics. HELP ME PLEASE.


Lisa Stewart. That was a fun search. I like the song. Thanks for the diversion!


Lisa Stewart. Sorry if thereā€™s a double post, but I replied a few days ago, and the response still isnā€™t showing.


Iā€™m looking for a song that sounds like chill pop itā€™s a woman singing in a high voice

The only words I can remember is
ā€œAnd iiiii, and youuuuā€¦ ā€œ
And then something about love


Whitney Houston I will always love you from the movie with Kevin Costner

Tristen Perez

Can't get the song out of my head but can't find the name of it:
-Female Singer
-Sounds sort of like a Pop Song but could be rock
-Either at the beginning or as a transition she sings "Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok" followed by repeating "Ahh" 8 times, each one fading one after the other and the singing starts
-At one point the lyrics "What you want" are used
-It is only a female singing, no male voices
-Remember my father listening to it so I'd imagine it came out around the early to late 2000's

Ren Lee

It could be Madonna - 4 Minutes.

Gia Lewis

What You Waiting For - Gwen Stefani


Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For


Hello there. I need help with a Jamaican-like song that goes like this:
"Kempala kempala kempala" the tune is quite catchy and danceful. He also says "Lonely" and "Crazy" separately. I really cannot understand anything else he says


Popalik? Stefflon Cho?

Thomas Pan

Hi peeps,

I am looking for a rap song on smooth elektronic beat and the rapper raps about Julia/Giulia in english of course. The video looks very old school and like a vid from the early 90s. Release should be 2010-2015


Hi! Please help me find a song from Beverly Hills 90210 TV Series (s4-12, 7:30). Lyrics starts like that: "Give a man someone to love, you've got nothing forever...." I guess its name is "in my life".

yail cruz

does anyone here knows a korean song that ends with "love you"


Number of members? Male or female? Genre/concept (eg dance beat, bubblegum pop, slow and sexy)?


Need help finding a song with the words
Whatā€™s ā€”- ā€”- tell me ā€”- your ā€”ā€”


Ludacris shawna fantasy

David GarcĆ­a

This one will be hard to find, but I hope it works.

It's a song by a male singer, with a strong british accent. I could tell there was some lines along the song like "now she's looking for some pleasure" and "we only talk about the weather".

I remember there was a charming music base, kind of indie. It felt like a some grom the early 90's, but I'm not sure.

Gia Lewis

My first thought was Jamie T, Sheila or Sticks and Stones or something?


Sounds like Dent May "Eastover Wives" - not British but could be mistaken for I guess!


Im not sure 2 sure but i think its 'Glitter & Gold' by Barns Courtney !! :3

Ren Lee

I am looking for a song that may be from a Final Fantasy game, around FFVII, but probably no later than FFXI. It is a song with lyrics that are in English, then German, and Japanese, with a chorus that always ends in "we are soldiers (dah dah, daaaah)" whatever those last words are. It is not the anime song We Are Soldiers. This is an update video-game style piano/rock song. It was in a folder of songs a friend gave me that also had songs from The Black Mages.


Based on your description, the song you're recalling might be "Darkness and Starlight" by The Black Mages


This song is from the early 90's.
What I remember from the song goes something like this:
Come and take your command
Because the whole world..?...?..
Can't stop moving
everybody move
..?..?...cosmic harmony
...?...? can get for free

Kyle R

I'm looking for an anime op or ed. Female singer, the song starts out with just an Acoustic guitar and the singer. I think the begining lyrics are "Just go ahead, and (or then) try again" then some Japanese words. then I think some more English. The Song adds more instruments like a drum and electric guitar. Then the tempo increases.


Hi looking for two songs. Song No.1: Country song, Lyrics to the chorus are, "Take me home, take me home, lord I've been gone for so long, take me home, take me home, momma and daddy are waiting to take me home." I know some of the verses too but only partially. Early verse as best I can recall, "When I was a little boy, and it was a rainy day, momma and daddy would meet me after school, they said son you might get chilled to the bone, walking home alone, so momma and daddy were waiting to take me home." Then the final verse best I can recall, "But fate has been unkind, and somewhere I went astray, and now in this lonely prison cell, I'm down to my last day, for they'll strap me in that chair, and I'll pay for all my wrongs, while momma and daddy wait outside, to take me home."

Second song I know much less about because it was Japanese I think and possibly from a game called girls frontline but I've checked a lot of their songs and can't find it. All I know is it had Girls frontline in the title on youtube before it disappeared on there. The song starts with some soft piano playing what would be the chorus, then some lyrics sung softly, the song repeats that motif but by the end is faster and intense. I know not a lot of details but any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hi .. I think the first song is Take me Home by Boxcar Willie or possibly someone's cover of that song

The Japanese song is just my guess but somewhat matches your description:
GhostFinal -- Twilight feat. Kinoko


Thank you so much the first one was right! I have tried so many variations on take me home on youtube and never came across this thank you again. The second wasn't the one but close so I'll try going through their soundtrack stuff.

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