Find song by lyrics

Help me find the name of the song by lyrics.


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Thanks to you guys I found my music


Looking for a song one part went "Goldfish, Headphones, Cool Whip, iPhone" 2 times and I think another part went like "I'm sitting in my basement making this beat" or something like that. I think the guys name was like the seal.


Sorry for the inconvenience, but does anyone know the name of this song? The only thing I have as a reference is a YouTube video from 2011 of a Minecraft player. It would help me a lot if someone could identify it.

Afro comicz

I'm looking for a song as well;

This the line;

All my African girls, black beauty love myself
I'm black and beautiful, im black and beautiful

The video clip is from African woman in the woods dancing with speers and they wine a little bit.

I had it on youtube, but accidentally deleted it.

Help me pleZd!


The song is called 'Black and Beautiful' by Boosie Badazz !! :D


Thanks so much. You are kind


I‘ve been looking for the name of a song for about 15 years or so on and off :‘D
It‘s an early 2000s power ballad and i only remember the chorus, since i was really young and hadn’t learned english yet, but i think it was quite big back then
Its a female singer and the song has a quite haunting/melancholic vibe.
I also remember there are a lot of the same pattern in the beginning of the verses
It‘s alway starting with „And I-i-i can‘t ___“ or „And yo-o-o-u ___“
i‘m no music buff, so i don‘t know what the right names are, but there is a lot of emphasis on the „ I“ or „you“, she ist singing a harmony/scale or something


Could it be My immortal with Evanescence?


No, that's not it :/
But thanks for the guess :)
I don't think there is any piano in the song i am looking for if that helps


Male or female singer?


Maybe it is
Sylver - In your eyes


Ok after a long search i found my song, its „just hold me“ by maria mena :D


Hi, DnB question. From which song are the vocals in the Background. 31:47min


The song is called: Jade - Tv Says. They actually sampled that part you was asking about from a tv show. I was able to find this on YouTube if you would like to hear where it came from : Blow up Ruben - Rick and Morty ( starts at 0:34 )


Need help finding a song, goes by a chorus of “just a little bit (piano plays) just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit” sounded more 70’s-80’s, didn’t know if it was just a song in a commercial I can’t remember or a real song

Gia Lewis

Respect by Aretha Franklin? Just A Little Bit More by Liberty X?


Supertramp - Give a little bit


Im looking for a RnB maybe carribean island song. The lyrics in the chorus go I will be yours forever be mine I'll be your all season love. Just a the flowers bloom in the springtime my love for you will grow. Coz I understan I'm your man I do all that I can.i know you need some all season loving and you'll get it.The song was out in the 90s maybe.

Leonard sabatini

Detroit WWJ 950 radio mid 60’s at 6 AM
What was the name of the instrumental song that was played for a couple mintues just before the 6 AM news each weekday morning? It was soothing music to wake me up for school


I don't think the people commenting on this site are possibly old enough to know.

Away with Words

Hope this helps.... FYI I literally just copy pasted your first sentence into a Google search. (^3^)/

Darth Nihilus

searching for an 80's hit it was sang by a woman. the chorus was smth like "What can you see" and then a childs voice was like "I see (this and that , probably cities)


Hey Matthew

Darth Nihilus

i swear i thought it was sang by a woman lol



chorus lyrics ‘Lay here’ verse is something like ‘I never meant to…’ female artist, acoustic guitar, sounds like it’s been recorded in a hall. Slower song. I remember hearing it around 2010.


I'm looking for a song where the second word in the title is "Scars" but I don't remember the other word or the tune. I know it was a breakup song and it started the song with her saying she had bruises and scars and she didn't know how they happened.

Spider Potato

so there's this song by a male singer ig, it goes something like: tell me when the feeling went away, when the feeling went away, tell me when the passion fades to grey, when the passion fades to grey. And now you're with someone new, but baby i am just not over youu, so tell me when the feeling went away. I have tried searching for it a million times now but i still cant find it


Tell Me -- by Encore


I heard this song on a yt playlist some time ago and I can't seem to find it. The song sounds similar to 'We don't have to dance' by Andy Black. It has the song title in the song, and before that line there is a line that goes like "we cant wash off the blood on our hands". It was made by a 3 word band and all of them started with an S. The last thing is the title's first word had an apostrophe in it.


SIN SHAKE SIN - The Mess We've Made (?)

Anonymous Banana

I have been looking for this song which I heard in mako mermaids. It goes like uuu aaa, hold me closer, all I know is that I like you, I like you a lot tonight. Something like that.


I need to find a song, at the end of it there is a line like "cause I leave with eeeeeeeeeeverything", a man sings, the song itself is quite sad and melodic. Reminds of the bands three days grace,dead by April, bring me the horizon,linkin park. Please help me!!!


You probably need to add a few more words

Music Lover

Just heard a song in a Miller's Ale House and can't find out what it is...asked the manager, but she said the playlist was in shuffle/skip mode, so she couldn't see which song it was. I've been searching Google for the past half-hour, with no luck, and it's driving me crazy!

It seemed like the name would be "Empty House," but no songs by that name are matching up in my searches. It was a female artist, pop (possibly a country crossover artist like Miranda Lambert or Shania Twain...I dunno). I suspect it was a newer song, but I'm not even sure of that b/c they were playing a mix of old and new stuff.

It started something like Sheryl Crow's "Leavin' Las Vegas," with that mid-tempo drum/tambourine thing, and in the chorus she kept saying something like "...cry if you do, cry if you don't" (or maybe it was "cry if you're here, cry if you're not"), "why don't/won't you let me live in this empty house?"

Lily jad may

So bad


I am looking for a oldschool rap/hip hop song that goes like this:
"Its been a long time since I see you, and you aint ... for this (?)"
"Its been a long time, long time."
When i google it it always brings up See you again by wiz and charlie puth but thats definately NOT it.

Christina m

Aaliyah- try again?
" It's been a long time (long time)
We shouldn't have left you (left you)
Without a dope beat to step to
Step to, step to, step to (step)
Step to, step to, freaky-freaky"

Hope that's the one


Aaliyah been A long time


Looking for a song I heard on a cassette labelled 'Fructose Tracks', in 1997. The song had what sounded like the recording of a lecture, with the words 'we are in ourselves miniature universes always expanding and expanding'. Part of the tune is sampled on the Outerlimitz track Greater Things. Thanks

Jenna Preston

There’s a song that is played at a five below store, it sounded similar to Savage garden. The only lyrics I caught were a part of a chorus, something like “I care about you” and other lyrics sounded like “I’m too far gone, I’m so far down”.

My searches with these haven’t given me anything. Any ideas?


It's a dancey tune. It goes you ran off with all of my love. I don't understand. Anyone help please?


Jesse Elvis -- All my Love (?)


Can Anyone Please Help?
Kinda off topic, but I am having a lot of trouble finding a song - and this is a great song lyrics channel, so I'm asking here as a last resort:
So, the song is by a female artist (or maybe group with a female lead singer) - Maybe Nightcore - and the lyrics are something like: "staring down the hallway" or “standing in the hallway” or “you’re in the hall (hallway?)”
it says something about a hallway in the first verse, could be in the first line.. and something about ghost stories legends told by the fire.. and I know I’m sure it mentions "kingdom and key / keys" - It's not worship or anything like that.. I think it's about over coming an enemy, from what I can remember.. And it's a long song - possibly over 4 minutes...
As far as I know, the song doesn't have the words: kingdom / keys / hallway / hall in it’s title.. It's not a popular song either like "Keys to the Kingdom" or “Look What You Made Me Do”..

I’ve been racking my brain for the past 4 day and can’t seem to remember anymore lyrics that could be of help.. I have searched all over with all kinds of word searches revolving around the words I can remember and can't find any matches.. I know one lyric video (on YT) of the song had a thumbnail of a picture of a cathedral type hallway with stained glass windows...

I'm at a loss, and it’s driving me crazy..
I've searched numerous lyrics sites and searched / asked on lyrics forums.. I've asked on tiktok, and asked on quite a few YT videos.. I'm still getting no answer.. 😞

Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you so much. 😊

Jeff Loomis

1980's pop song; Plenty of piano... Lyrics I can remember: "The way you hide your face just like a child"... "(Something something) into the night... Into the night." Then some la-las-- "La la... La la la la laaa... Into the night... Into the night."

As a 1980's kid I'm ashamed that I can't remember the band/lyrics.

Saw the video on an 80's channel last week and it's been stuck in my head ever since. I hadn't heard that song in years.

The video bits I can remember, is the singer and some broad in a bar or something.

I think I have dementia.


Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out

Jonny B

I got one for everyone. 90s hip hop that I've typed in everywhere to no avail. The lyrics are as follows. "A dollar twenty five to catch the train." "It ain't nothing but one of those west side thangs and this shit goes out to all of y'all, Kilo G don't give a fuck about none of y'all." I've searched the Internet high and low for over a week, any help is greatly appreciated!


Guys I've got this animal crossing (new leaf) tune on my phone of a popular 80's song I think but I can't remember the name. I have the notes but they're not helping. The notes are: high a, high a, high f, low d, dash, low d, dash, high g, dash, low g, dash, low g, high b, high b, high c, high d. Its literally at the tip of my tongue but I just cant remember it. Some pls help


Take on Me • by A-ha (?)


Looking for a song.
Hi, yesterday November 17th I was scrolling through instagram and I end up watching a tattoo ad from someone in my area. The song used was not indicated and even the person whose ad was for did not know what the song was because instagram picks and chooses.
The song is some kind of Neo Disco or Nu Disco style, towards the end of the ad I couldn't understand some words but then I understood the words : ''Ren Dawson'' or ''Ran Dawson'' or something. Then there's a drop. I know that's nothing much to work with but my god was the song good and I just can't find it.

Clinton Driskell

I need help finding this one song all got is part of a lyric it's a country song I just need it to finish my collection of country music playlist "yeah i'm here to try to change your mind trying to save your time in case you're thinking breaking out the bucket list girl you can skip this business" please help


Rap song like in the last 4 years. Something like "Beat that cat" ... sweat drippin down her back... then later "she got me wiggly in them drawers." Black male artist. The video is of him in front of a mic with a headset on rapping the whole time.


There’s a song I heard a long time ago that goes, “You can’t run~, you can’t hide~, no one’s gonna save you from yourself~ you belong to the worlddddd”
What is it


Faceless Soldier - Mindslip

Tyrone Jackson

"You'l never see me comin'
So, you better start runnin'"
It's the background music in the Jordan Montgomery highlight video. I'm not sure if it's an independent song or one just for this highlight reel.


The Underdog // by Vital Sine

Amber Black

AHK help! when I was little there was a song on my iPod that I was obsessed with. it starts with a girl/guy duet humming, and then they start singing, I'm not sure what order or if this is even right but some of the lyrics are "falling, falling, falling" I think that was sung by the girl as well as 'When I wasn't even looking" idk why but even when I was younger it always reminded me of a cliff that was shrouded in fog...idk if that'll help but please help!


Something Right // by Chelsea Lankes & Will Anderson (?)

Amber Black

OH MY GOODNESS IM LITERALLY CRYING! That’s the song! I truly can’t thank you enough. When I was little my dad got my the iPod when he was on deployment. And he put a bunch of songs on it and this was one of them. Thank you so much.


yw ... happy to help . I'm really moved by your story behind this song . Thank you for the kind words & I hope you have a blessed day !!

shana stevens

This was about a year ago but I come back to it every now and then. My friend and I were heading to walmart and I heard this song blaring at the entrance, When I hear a song that catches my attention, I like to find the lyrics immediately so I don't lose it but my friend didn't let me do that. It was an 80s sounding song, the singer was female and she had a smooth voice, her singing wasn't upbeat like the song but the only lyric I kept hearing throughout it was "do you love me or do you love someone else, do you love me". I have tried so many times to search it but NOTHING has come up and it's really bothering me. If it wasn't for my friend, I would've found it


Are you sure they were the lyrics? I know tonnes of 80s songs, doesn't seem familiar to me.

Malachi McCray

Straight up Paula Abdul

Jonathan lee

So im having trouble finding out the name of this particular song its featured on an episode of bone chillers called mummy dearest it goes something like this well everybody's got my number but its only 7 digits long

roger davies

I have high hopes this magnificent group can identify a tune for me. I believe it may be from a mid 20th century musical. The chorus begins “I remember, I remember....”, to the rhythm dum di dum dum, dum di dum dum. (For the musical, “dotted crotchet, quaver, minim, minim,minim rest” and repeat. CBBA,BAAG,AGGFEDCCCDE).
It is not a setting of the Thomas Hood poem which starts with the same four words. I am acutely aware of the irony of not being able to remember the name of a song called “I remember”.


I'm desperately trying to find a song, it's kind of rock. I don't remember most of it, it's been too long, but I remember the bridge going something like, "I wanna know what it's like, just so I can feel it."

Also if it's any help, I remember that the music video depicted two friends, one of them being a cancer patient, trying to basically make the most of life and helping each other. If it can help.


The Blue, The Green
Lonely The Brave


Heard a random band playing in a bar.
Got part of the song stuck in my head
"Come on come on........ everybody"
Was a real dancey kinda song. NOT the one by Eddie Cochran that google keeps suggesting lol


Everybody dance - chic ?


I'm trying to find a song from between 3 and 6 years ago I think. I can't remember any lyrics but I think the song is called 1 word and remember it to be ghost or spectre something like that but I couldn't find it so maybe it's wrong. What I remember however is that the music video is a man and a women siting on opposite office desks and starting to walk towards eachother but in the end it is shown that they never got any closer and the song sung by a woman. I have been trying to find this song for years pls help.


Hey guys I really need help there is a song stuck in my head but it's like it never existed it's a sad slow song about turning blue male singer says he loses sleep thinking about her and I thought the song name was turning blue but it's not and I really liked the song I just can't find it anywhere and he says he wants to turn invisible it's not a new song but it's like it's been stripped from the internet please help thank you


Perfect circle blue. Also have a remixed album w a different version

Joseph Sakovitch

Part of a song goes: "Although I have to go, it makes me feel like crying; don't know when I'll see you again." Upbeat tempo by female singer. Anyone with ideas? Thank you.


Belinda Carlisle -- Leave a Light On

Rich smith

I’m trying to remember the name of a group from the late 80’s early 90’s. They were I think a duo who made dance music and sounded very synthasized and electric in their sound and I think they had a cassette with an A+B side with the A side song containing the lyrics” I want you”???

May May

Savage Garden?

Poop monster

Does anyone know that song that goes like “I just wanna knowww what’s going on in your mind..” it’s popular on tiktok I think and it’s a female singer.


There’s a song about what’s in your heeeeeeead in your he-ee-ead but I don’t know the name


That sounds like Sinead O’Connor’s cover of Zombie

Clara H

That’s The Cranberries-Zombie you must be thinking of 🫶🏻


Help me find this r&b slow jams song that goes ‘I’m sitting with miss October cause my birthday is in October’. The lyrics are incorrect but he was definitely singing something like that.


Rick Ross & Ne-Yo ** Super High
                     maybe ?


Looking for a slow melodic R&B song I heard around 2010-2016. The song starts with an intro female voice saying something like "You make me say uh! You make me say--" then the song transitions into very melodic female r&b vocals with a good amount of reverb. The "Uh!" in the intro sounds very much like Cher Lloyd's "uh!" in Want U Back. The chorus of the song goes like, "Cause I fell it love with you, ... with you ... with youu ... Cause I fell in love with---" I've search ages for this song I'm not sure it's by an underground R&B artist at this point. If you can help I greatly appreciate it!!

Richard Shafferkoetter

Looking for a song of old, only word I can remember are,” gone are the days when you would take me on your knee and turn my tears to happiness”.


Eddie Fisher -- Oh my Papa (?)


Yay 😄🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸:-)

Pierre Bourdieu

It's an old song probably 80's 90's, where a woman sings one two three (maybe four), has a voice like Cyndi lauper, but don't know much about it, AND IT IS NOT Gloria Estefan 1-2-3!


Not sure of any songs fitting this song, but the band ‘Til Tuesday sort of sounds like Cyndi Lauper?


I've been looking for a song kind of hip-hop pop male singer talking about how his girl isn't happy anymore and she says it all the time so she should just go "I'll be fine" "she says take back the jewels and the clothes (etc) I just want you back" and "I been getting texts and emails in detail.. (how you ain't happy or smth similar)


Mac Miller -- Missed Calls (?)


There is a song that is sung by girls that has a verse that says I’ve got my own life to live. I have no more fucks to give. It is not by Thomas and whatever his last name is. It is sung by girls does anybody know what song that is?


Song with a female voice and disco vibes that sing something like this in the chorus:
i found ... to meee
feeling so beautifuul its all the powerful i neeeeeeed
finally in the...
Or something similar
it appears in the minute 59:10 on this video:


Andrew Joseph Barraclough -- I'm Me

The Thumbnail will say : RETRO TECH
The artist name is not given just the song title. Should be the first video you see .


Does anyone know the name of this song….

The last thing I remembered was. Dadadadadada …..

A woman sings it and I think it’s from the 80/90’s


Suzanne Vega -- Tom's Diner ( maybe )

Shani Jacobson

I'm looking for a song, I can't remember all of the words or the tune and it's driving me crazy!! I remember the start of the chorus is "I don't know" then there is a single word that's an emotion, and then it's something along the lines of she always stays away from me. It's a male singer and it sounds pretty recent, probably made in the 2020's. I think it's an indie or an alt genre song.

Chris M

A certain 90s song that sampled “Ralph Tresvant - Sensitivity” or sampled “SWV's - No one's gonna love you”.

The lyrics in the chorus go like, “I should have never let you go, now you're not here by my side ...”
It was released in the 90s.

The intro of the song kinda sounds like SWV's No one's gonna love you (original song).
It was done by a lady & her voice sounds somehow like Lisa Sternsfields voice, but not so sure.

Please help.


Did anyone ever answer this or did you find it? It sounds like one I’m
Looking for. Male vocalist and acoustic singing to a girl how beautiful she is and has to let her go or she leaves grr can’t remember but I want to play it bad!


This is a hard one…
I am looking for a song where a child (or a young voice)is screaming the lyrics and a woman is singing it. It us about love. This is Everything i know….😅
Please help meeee🌝

Nikki Hesse

Hi. I've been looking for a song for a long time. I don't know what it's called or who sings it. It was on a Christmas CD around 2003. I only remember the Lyrics "and now it's about time to feel the magic of the holy Bass" can anyone help me?

Avery VanZant

I am looking for a band that I found on YouTube in like 2021. The have anime sounds in their music and sing like metalcore\metal\rock songs. One of the names of the songs were "BREAK" And also, "Break" part 2. They have a few members that sing. It's a simple band name but I cannot remember please I need your help they are great. Thank you.


Linkin park one step closer


It was a male singer, not sure where I heard it, kind of fast-ish, and the lyrics I remember were EITHER-
"You got me feeling so comp-li-cated, what if this feeling never go-oes away?"
"You got me feeling so comp-li-cated, I hope this feeling never go-oes away."

Looking for song

I’m looking for a 90’s or 2000’s song(I think.)It’s a female singer and reminds me quite a bit of a Sarah McLachlan vibe, especially at the end when she sort of wails angelically as the song ends, and her voice is angelic in the same way as sarah’s too, I actually thought it was her but I can’t find it as any of her songs…and all I remember is it is something like this(lyrics could be totally wrong as every time I’ve heard the song it’s been muffled or playing in the store with lots of noise):

I’m waitiiiiing,……..waitiiiiiing(or could be “baby” instead of “waiting”) for you to caaaaaaaalllllll. (Or could be” waiting for a star to fall” something like that) When it all comes down….(or when it all falls down)”

I’ve heard the song playing at some retail stores such as homesense but I can’t remember the rest. Anyone know this song? Oh and also, interestingly to me the part I wrote above sounds similar to Oasis’ “live forever “ when liam sings” latellyyyy, did you ever feel the paaaaiin, in the mooorrrrrnnnning raaaaaiinnn, as it soaks you to the bone “ It has a similar tempo/beat there during that part. Anyone know what song this is??????

Clara H

Could it be Milk by Scottish band Garbage? The end you describe sounds similar?


No, but thanks for the reply. It turns out I actually added the song to my playlist a while back and completed forgot lol! The reason I thought it sounded like Sarah McLachlan, is because the song is actually by Chantal Kreviazuk and it’s called “Waiting.”


Extraordinary - Mandy Moore


Not at all Mandy moore😆but thanks for the reply. It turns out I actually added the song to my playlist a while back and completed forgot lol! The reason I thought it sounded like Sarah McLachlan, is because the song is actually by Chantal Kreviazuk and it’s called “Waiting.”


Looking for song Title and artist from 80's or 90's with possible following lyrics...
Find love where they find it...
The nights are empty and the days are sad but its still the best time that I've ever had...
everyday in every way there someone to remind us..
I'm a little bit dangerous and a little bit scared feel like I'm drowning I'm in over my head
Anyone know what song this is??????


Tears for fears mad world?


Im looking for a love song Appropriate FOR SCHOOL

bendy sendy

what song beat goes do do do doo doooo 90 rap


YALL. i need help with a tyler, the creator song..
it goes like “blow me away.. into a new place” AND I THINK ITS AT THE END?? IDK but its a girl singing part soo i cant find it 😭


Looking for a song that goes “just to hear the dingalingalingalingaloo…lovely weather for the dingalingalingalingaloo“ for the life of me I don’t know the artist name


Hi ...try popular versions of the song Sleigh Ride on YouTube

Dorthe Hansen

Can’t stop thinking about a hit probably from the 90-ties. Female singer with a stunning voice. Only part of the lyrics I remember is “…role the dice…”


Could it be ABBA's 'The Winner Takes It All'?

Yasemin Akdeniz

Beth Orton - Roll the Dice



Clive Vedmore

It's a long-shot but I hope somebody can help me here.

What are these two songs?

Both came out at least 4 or 5 years ago(but probably not long before that) and I only know some of the lyrics.

Song 1 - Female singer. Slow, electronic. Possibly Irish. The lyrics go something like:

...and all the faces that we've always seen and all the places we have always been and all the secrets that we have, laid out in a jukebox, baby and all the dreams that we have always dreamed, they're laid out in a jukebox, baby(repeated twice more), ooh you're my jukebox baby. (Refrain)You got me feeling so low.

Song 2 - Female singer. Fast, electronic. The first line is the start of the first verse and the second line is the start of the chorus:

Why do we treat each other like robots, every move automated?

I wanna make you feel something, feel something, turn that metal into flesh and blood.


Hey, I’m looking for a song for several years now. It’s a song with a male and female. The only thing of the lyrics that I remember: female: you wanne get down
Male: I wanne get down.

Clive Vedmore

I've thought of another song I've been trying to track down for a few years and, like the two in my last comment, it's a female singer singing an electronic song(i.e it doesn't feature any conventional old instruments like guitars, drums, pianos etc) and it came out about 5 years ago.

Part of one of the verses goes "Cigarette burns on the floor" "Hiding by the lakes is what we live for".
The chorus is harder to make out. I think it went something like "Summers come by, summers come fast".


There's a song that has lyrics that are something along the lines of,
"I know I can't (something) baby please don't cry, run around searching for a reason why, (something) it's time to let me go."
And I can't for the life of me remember what it's called. I think it's sung by a guy in a sort of higher range???


I'm looking for a song that I heard playing while I was shopping in a Kroger. I wrote down what lyrics I could remember of the opening, but nothing shows up on Google. I could have misheard a few lyrics:

I told myself I wouldn't lose you again
Try to smile but it's hard to pretend

Now the sky is pouring drops of rain
I promise I won't let you down again

I used to walk on the wild side
Chasing dreams to make them come alive
Now I walk on these empty streets
I feel your shadow watching over me

And I'll find my way home to you, home to you
And I'll find my way home to you, home to you
Find my way


I found it "Mystery Scars" by "Happy Birthday Amy" check it out its good.


looking for a 2020 tiktok song that was a single with a thermal pic of some girl in a bikini as the cover. The title was something like arigato or domo or something like that. the last time i saw it was in early 2021ish and have totally forgotten the name of it. the track is a beat with some girl speaking in Japanese. thx to anyone who can help me :)))


The song you're describing might be "Domo Arigato" by Leat'eq!

Here's why it fits your description:

Year: Released in 2020, which aligns with your memory.
Cover art: It's known for having a thermal image of a woman in a bikini as the cover art.
Genre: It's a beat with a Japanese-speaking female vocal sample.
Popularity on TikTok: It was popular on TikTok in 2020 and early 2021.
While the exact term isn't "Domo" or "Arigato" alone, the title incorporates both, making it a strong possibility. You can search for "Domo Arigato Leat'eq" online and see if the cover art and song match your memory.

Jose Vazquez

Hi random question I'm looking for the music being played on the flash season 4 episode 16 6:40, I can hear it says "just take me to your paradise, I wanna see the body skies" where joe and barry are talking at the coffee shop Could not find anything by these words, would you possibly know any songs related


Just google flash season 4 soundtrack and all songs for the series come up. You'll be able to find it from the list of artists.


looking for a female KPOP song, some words are;
'I give you my heart......I'm into you, you're into me....'
gentle, then strong female voice.
I would like singer/group name and song name.
thank you...


Chief keef- love sosa


Looking for girl group KPOP song.
some words are; 'i give you my heart..... I'm into you, you're into me'
slow, gentle, then strong high voice.

Ryan Scott Baehl

I remember the song because I was looking for it in the early days of digital downloads. This is about 1999 or 2000 and I remember experiencing it on one of the early streaming channels with meds and information. It was very satisfying and I hope that I will remember more as I think about this memory.


love dive by ive? idk but it says (english translation) you into me me into you so...


Hi, I’m looking for a song sung by a man. Not sure about the year of release, but there are definitely some kind of 80s synth. The bits of lyrics I remember could be slightly different.

The song starts with:
‘I’m in love with the stars
I’m in love with something that comes from far’

Then at some point the man sings the same lyrics changing ‘I’m’ for ‘you’:
‘You in love with the stars
You in love with something that comes from far’

And then the chorus:
‘Let them guide us from above’

P.S. it could be ‘let IT guide us from above’

Would really appreciate some help!


I think your lyrics are too different. Nothing seems to match anything you've mentioned.


hi i'm looking for a band influenced by the velvet undeground, the cover of the album was also inspired by the warhol's banana cover but i think with glitter?


This one is so so vague and im struggling with remembering the lyrics - mostly going off the tune. Its very upbeat, sort of like a party or like zumba/dance music lol.

anything you want, oh, anything you need it will be alright (alright)

Heather Johns

You Got It, by Roy Orbison ?? ... Possibly. However, it does not include the phrase, "It will be alright" ..

Anything you want, you got it
Anything you need, you got it
Anything at all, you got it, baby


Hello, I'm looking for a song, I believe from the 90s. It starts with a guitar intro.The singer kind of sounded like the lead from Sister Hazel. Some of the lyrics are:

"I didn't even think about the rain. No I didn't even think about the snow, falls down in the middle of March. I didn't even think about the stars _______movies stars... And in my mind_____ I'm not afraid"

that's all I can remember! But it's been in and out of my head for days now.


Garrity - The Rain


Hi, can you help me find the song that playing in this video

Spider Potato

And im not sure whether the lyrics i wrote are right either, like i have the rythm in my head but idk now


Hi. Looking for a song that was in episode 7 of the Netflix series Safe. It plays in the scene where they get the door code. Some of the lyrics are “who gives this satisfaction”, “who gives this chemical reaction”, “nobody but you”, “nobody does the things that you do.”

Ted Tough

I really want to find a song that I discovered on a youtube playlist but then didn't bookmark. It sounds like it's from around 1980 to 1985. Has an amazing short synth intro that is spacey and warm then gets even warmer. The intro sounds like it could be the music to an early 80s late-night sci fi show. The synth part stops and there's a moment of silence before the songs starts up properly. It then changes style. There's a female singer. A jazzy slow but funkyish bassline. The song ends abruptly with her singing the line "waiting for you" or "wait here for you". I'm almost positive that song is titled 'waiting' but I cannot find it on any site (spotify etc) or on youtube again. Those are the only lyrics I can remember and it's such a common line in songs it makes searching even more difficult. I think it's just the name of the artist I need. Such a beautiful record though. That intro...


Right here waiting by Richard Marx?


He said a female singer


I am looking for a song that might from the 70/80/90 about a guy running from himself and from home. I think at some point it says « he has been running around running around far from home » but really can’t remember the lyrics.


Just heard a song on the Pitbull channel on SiriusXM, but it didn't give me a title. One of the chorus lyrics was "Im a freak, got a different girl every day of the week." Another lyric was "tryna fit all these girls on my car, imma need a-nother car"


Sensei •• by Tyga (?)

Clara P

Me and my friend are looking for this song. We were listening to
it in April 2019 but I remember listening to it sooner on radio.
The lyrics goes like this: ,,and if it doesnt work out so what,,
Its sung by a young female we feel. Its about the situation when
you have a crush and he says he doesnt like you back so you
shouldnt make a big deal out of it.

Jose Vazquez

Hi I'm currently looking for a song that plays in the tv show the flash cw season 4 episode 16 where barry and joe are talking at the coffee shop i can only make up the short lyrics before they start talking "just take me to your paradise, I wanna see the bright skies"


try going on that spacific episode and use an app called shazam.


Shazam doesn't give out anything. I also tried

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