Filtered by JavaScript

Page 9


Hooks tip! Avoid infinite recursion in React.useEffect()

February 6, 2019
1 comment React, JavaScript

React 16.8.0 with Hooks was released today. A big deal. Executive summary; components as functions is all the rage now.

What used to be this:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

  componentDidMount() {
  componentDidUpdate() {

  render() { STUFF }
} now this:

function MyComponent() {

  React.useEffect(() => {

  return STUFF

Inside the useEffect "side-effect callback" you can actually update state. But if you do, and this is no different that old React.Component.componentDidUpdate, it will re-run the side-effect callback. Here's a simple way to cause an infinite recursion:


function MyComponent() {
  const [counter, setCounter] = React.useState(0);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    setCounter(counter + 1);

  return <p>Forever!</p>

The trick is to pass a second argument to React.useEffect that is a list of states to exclusively run on.

Here's how to fix the example above:

function MyComponent() {
  const [counter, setCounter] = React.useState(0);
  const [times, setTimes] = React.useState(0);

    () => {
      if (times % 3 === 0) {
        setCounter(counter + 1);
    [times]  // <--- THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE KEY!

  return (
        Divisible by 3: {counter}
        <br />
        Times: {times}
      <button type="button" onClick={e => setTimes(times + 1)}>

You can see it in this demo.

Note, this isn't just about avoiding infinite recursion. It can also be used to fit your business logic and/or an optimization to avoid executing the effect too often.

Displaying fetch() errors and unwanted responses in React

February 6, 2019
0 comments Web development, React, JavaScript

tl;dr; You can use error instanceof window.Response to distinguish between fetch exceptions and fetch responses.

When you do something like...

const response = await fetch(URL);

...two bad things can happen.

  1. The XHR request fails entirely. I.e. there's not even a response with a HTTP status code.
  2. The response "worked" but the HTTP status code was not to your liking.

Either way, your React app needs to deal with this. Ideally in a not-too-clunky way. So here is one take on this challenge/opportunity which I hope can inspire you to extend it the way you need it to go.

The trick is to "clump" exceptions with responses. Then you can do this:

function ShowServerError({ error }) {
  if (!error) {
    return null;
  return (
    <div className="alert">
      <h3>Server Error</h3>
      {error instanceof window.Response ? (
          <b>{error.status}</b> on <b>{error.url}</b>
          <br />
      ) : (

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to use if (error instanceof window.Reponse) {. Then you know that error thing is the outcome of THIS = await fetch(URL) (or fetch(URL).then(THIS) if you prefer). Another good trick the devil pulled was to be aware that exceptions, when asked to render in React does not naturally call its .toString() so you have to do that yourself with {error.toString()}.

This codesandbox demonstrates it quite well. (Although, at the time of writing, codesandbox will spew warnings related to testing React components in the console log. Ignore that.)

If you can't open that codesandbox, here's the gist of it:

React.useEffect(() => {
  url &&
    (async () => {
      let response;
      try {
        response = await fetch(url);
      } catch (ex) {
        return setServerError(ex);
      if (!response.ok) {
        return setServerError(response);
      // do something here with `await response.json()`
}, [url]);

By the way, another important trick is to be subtle with how you put the try { and } catch(ex) {.


try {
  const response = await fetch(url);
  if (!response.ok) {
  // do something here with `await response.json()`
} catch (ex) {



let response;
try {
  response = await fetch(url);
} catch (ex) {
  return setServerError(ex);
if (!response.ok) {
  return setServerError(response);
// do something here with `await response.json()`

If you don't do that you risk catching other exceptions that aren't exclusively the fetch() call. Also, notice the use of return inside the catch block which will exit the function early leaving you the rest of the code (de-dented 1 level) to deal with the happy-path response object.

Be aware that the test if (!response.ok) is simplistic. It's just a shorthand for checking if the "status in the range 200 to 299, inclusive". Realistically getting a response.status === 400 isn't an "error" really. It might just be a validation error hint from a server, and likely the await response.json() will work and contain useful information. No need to throw up a toast or a flash message that the communication with the server failed.


The details matter. You might want to deal with exceptions entirely differently from successful responses with bad HTTP status codes. It's nevertheless important to appreciate two things:

  1. Handle complete fetch() failures and feed your UI or your retry mechanisms.

  2. You can, in one component distinguish between a "successful" fetch() call and thrown JavaScript exceptions.

An example of using Immer to handle nested objects in React state

January 18, 2019
1 comment React, JavaScript

When Immer first came out I was confused. I kinda understood what I was reading but I couldn't really see what was so great about it. As always, nothing beats actual code you type yourself to experience how something works.

Here is, I believe, a great example:

If you're reading this on your mobile it might be hard to see what it does. Basically, it's a very simple React app that displays a "todo list like" thing. The state (aka. this.state.tasks) is a pure JavaScript array. The React components that display the data (e.g. <List tasks={this.state.tasks}/> and <ShowItem item={item} />) are pure (i.e. extends React.PureComponent) meaning React natively protects from re-rendering a component when the props haven't changed. So no wasted render-cycles.

What Immer does is that it helps mutate an object in a smart way. I'm sure you've heard that you're never supposed to mutate state objects (arrays are a form of mutable objects too!) and instead do things like const stuff = Object.assign({}, this.state.stuff); or const things = this.state.things.slice(0);. However, those things are shallow copies meaning any mutable objects within (i.e. nested objects) don't get the clone treatment and can thus cause problems with not re-rendering when they should.

Here's the core gist:

import React from "react";
import produce from "immer";

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    tasks: [[false, { text: "Do something", date: new Date() }]]
  onToggleDone = (i, done) => {
    // Immer
    // This is what the blog post is all about...
    const tasks = produce(this.state.tasks, draft => {
      draft[i][0] = done;
      draft[i][1].date = new Date();

    // Pure JS
    // Don't do this!
    // const tasks = this.state.tasks.slice(0);
    // tasks[i][0] = done;
    // tasks[i][1].date = new Date();

    this.setState({ tasks });
  render() {
    // appreviated, but...
    return <List tasks={this.state.tasks}/>

class List extends React.PureComponent {

It just works. Neat!

By the way, here's a code sandbox that accomplishes the same thing but with ImmutableJS which I think is uglier. I think it's uglier because now the rendering components need to be aware that it's rendering immutable.Map objects instead.


  1. The cost of doing what immer.produce isn't free. It's some smart work that needs to be done. But the alternative is to deep clone the object which is going to be much slower. Immer isn't the fastest kid on the block but unlike MobX and ImmutableJS once you've done this smart stuff you're back to plain JavaScript objects.

  2. Careful with doing something like console.log(draft) since it will raise a TypeError in your web console. Just be aware of that or use console.log(JSON.stringify(draft)) instead.

  3. If you know with confidence that your mutable object does not, and will not, have nested mutable objects you can use object spread, Object.assign(), or .slice(0) and save yourself the trouble of another dependency.

Number.prototype.toString() is incredibly useful to display numbers

January 4, 2019
0 comments JavaScript

tl;dr; Use Number.prototype.toString() to display percentages that might be floating point numbers.

10% entered
I started writing a complicated solution but as I discovered corner cases and surprised I was brutally forced to do some research and actually read some documentation. Turns out Number.prototype.toString(), with the precision argument omitted, is the ideal solution.

The application I was working on has an input field to type in a percentage. I.e. a number between 0 and 100. But whatever the user types in, we store the number in decimal. So, if the user typed in "10" into the input widget, we actually store it as 0.1 in the database. Most people will type in a whole number (aka. an integer) like "12" or "5" but some people actually need more precision so they might type in "0.2%" which means 0.002 stored in the backend database.

But the widget is a React controlled component meaning it's value prop needs to be potentially formatted to what gives the best user experience. If the user types in whole numbers set the value prop to a whole number. If the user types in floating point numbers set the value prop type a floating point number with the "matching formatting".

0.12% entered
I started writing an overly complicated function that tries to figure out how many decimal-points the user typed in. For example 0.123 is 3 because parseInt(0.123 * 10 ** 3, 10) === 0.123 * 10 ** 3. But, that approach doesn't work because of floating point arithmetic and the rounding problem. For example 103441 !== 10.3441 * (10 ** 4) === 103440.99999999999. So, don't look for a number to pass into .toFixed().

Turns out Number.prototype.toString() is all you need. If you omit the precision argument, it figures out how many significant digits to use based on the input. It's best explained with some examples:

> (33).toString()
> (33.3).toString()
> (33.10000).toString()
> (10.3441).toString()


Next level stuff

So actually, it's a bit more complicated than that. You see, the number stored in the backend database might be 0.007 which you and I know as "0.7%" but be warned:

> 0.008 * 100
> 0.007 * 100

You know, because of floating-point arithmetic, which every high-level software engineer remembers understanding one time years ago but now know just to watch out for.

So if you use the toString() on that you'd get...

> var backendPercentage = 0.007
> (100 * backendPercentage).toString() + '%'

Ouch! So how to solve that? Use Math.round(number * 100) / 100 to get rid of those rounding errors. Apparently, it's very fast too. So, now combine this with the toString():

> var backendPercentage = 0.007
> (Math.round(100 * backendPercentage * 100) / 100).toString() + '%'


React.memo instead of React.PureComponent

November 2, 2018
0 comments JavaScript, React

React Hooks isn't here yet but when it comes I'll be all over that, replacing many of my classes with functions.

However, as of React 16.6 there's this awesome new React.memo() thing which is such a neat solution. Why didn't I think of that, myself, sooner?!

Anyway, one of the subtle benefits of it is that writing functions minify a lot better than classes when Babel'ifying your ES6 code.

To test that, I took one of my project's classes, which needed to be "PureComponent":

class ShowAutocompleteSuggestionSong extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
    const { song } = this.props;
    return (
      <div className="media autocomplete-suggestion-song">
        <div className="media-left">
              song.image && song.image.preview
                ? 'img-rounded lazyload preview'
                : 'img-rounded lazyload'
              song.image && song.image.preview
                ? song.image.preview
                : placeholderImage
              song.image ? absolutifyUrl(song.image.url) : placeholderImage
        <div className="media-body">
          <h5 className="artist-name">
            {' by '}
          {, i) => {
            return <p key={i} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: fragment }} />;

Minified it weights 1,893 bytes and looks like this:

Minified PureComponent class
Minified PureComponent class

When re-written with React.memo it looks like this:

const ShowAutocompleteSuggestionSong = React.memo(({ song }) => {
  return (
    <div className="media autocomplete-suggestion-song">
      <div className="media-left">
            song.image && song.image.preview
              ? 'img-rounded lazyload preview'
              : 'img-rounded lazyload'
            song.image && song.image.preview
              ? song.image.preview
              : placeholderImage
            song.image ? absolutifyUrl(song.image.url) : placeholderImage
      <div className="media-body">
        <h5 className="artist-name">
          {' by '}
        {, i) => {
          return <p key={i} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: fragment }} />;

Minified it weights 783 bytes and looks like this:

Minified React.memo function
Minified React.memo function

Highly scientific measurement. Yeah, I know. (Joking)
Perhaps it's stating the obvious but part of the ES5 code that it generates, from classes can be reused for other classes.

Anyway, it's neat and worth considering to squeeze some bytes out. And the bonus is that it gets you prepared for Hooks in React 16.7.

React 16.6 with Suspense and lazy loading components with react-router-dom

October 26, 2018
7 comments Web development, JavaScript, React

If you're reading this, you might have thought one of two thoughts about this blog post title (or both); "Cool buzzwords!" or "Yuck! So much hyped buzzwords!"

Either way, React v16.6 came out a couple of days ago and it brings with it React.lazy: Code-Splitting with Suspense.

React.lazy is React's built-in way of lazy loading components. With Suspense you can make that lazy loading be smart and know to render a fallback component (or JSX element) whilst waiting for that slowly loading chunk for the lazy component.

The sample code in the announcement was deliciously simple but I was curious; how does that work with react-router-dom??

Without furher ado, here's a complete demo/example. The gist is an app that has two sub-components loaded with react-router-dom:

  <div className="App">
      <Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
      <Route path="/:id" component={Post} />

The idea is that the Home component will list all the blog posts and the Post component will display the full details of that blog post. In my demo, the Post component never bothers to actually do the fetching of the full details to display. It just displays the passed in ID from the react-router-dom match prop. You get the idea.

That's standard React with react-router-dom stuff. Next up, lazy loading. Basically, instead of importing the Post component, you make it lazy:

-import Post from "./post";
+const Post = React.lazy(() => import("./post"));

And here comes the magic sauce. Instead of referencing component={Post} in the <Route/> you use this badboy:

function WaitingComponent(Component) {
  return props => (
    <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
      <Component {...props} />

Complete prototype

The final thing looks like this:

import React, { lazy, Suspense } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { MemoryRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";

import Home from "./home";
const Post = lazy(() => import("./post"));

function App() {
  return (
      <div className="App">
          <Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
          <Route path="/:id" component={WaitingComponent(Post)} />

function WaitingComponent(Component) {
  return props => (
    <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
      <Component {...props} />

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

(sorry about the weird syntax highlighting with the red boxes.)

And it totally works! It's hard to show this with the demo but if you don't believe me, you can download the whole codesandbox as a .zip, run yarn && yarn run build && serve -s build and then you can see it doing its magic as if this was the complete foundation of a fully working client-side app.

1. Loading the "Home" page, then click one of the links

Loading the "Home" page

2. Lazy loading the Post component

Lazy loading the Post component

3. Post component lazily loaded once and for all

Post component lazily loaded once and for all


One thing that can happen is that you might load the app when the Wifi is honky dory but when you eventually make a click that causes a lazy loading to actually need to go out on the Internet and download that .js file it might fail. For example, because the file has been removed from the server or your network just fails for some reason. To deal with that, simply wrap the whole <Suspense> component in an error boundary component.

See this demo which is a fork of the main demo but with error boundaries added.

In conclusion

No surprise that it works. React is pretty awesome. I just wasn't sure how it would look like with react-router-dom.

A word of warning, from the v16.6 announcement: "This feature is not yet available for server-side rendering. Suspense support will be added in a later release."

I think lazy loading isn't actually that big of a deal. It's nice that it works but how likely is it really that you have a sub-tree of components that is so big and slow that you can't just pay for it up front as part of one big fat build. If you really care about a really great web performance for those people who reach your app rarely and sporadically, the true ticket to success is server-side rendering and shipping a gzipped HTML document with all the React client-side code non-blocking rendering so that the user can download the HTML, start reading/consuming it immediately and then whilst the user is doing that you download the rest of the .js that is going to be needed once the user clicks around. Start there.

Inline scripts in create-react-app 2.0 and CSP hashes

October 5, 2018
0 comments Web development, JavaScript, React


My understanding of how to generate the CSP nonces was wrong. What I initially posted was a confusion between nonces and hashes. Sorry. The blog post has been updated to use hashing.


Shortly after publishing this I changed my mind entirely. I decided I don't want any inline scripts no matter how small. Reasons are: 1) with HTTP2 it's cheap to send another file and thus that critical precious first HTML document becomes smaller and 2) when you load it as an external you have the power to load it async if it's applicable.

Check out this new script, it's hackish but works: uninline_scripts.js

UPDATE (Oct 18, 2018)

If you use INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false yarn run build no scripts, independent of size, are inlined. See this pull request for details.


I have an app that is hosted on github-pages and because I can't control Content Security Policy HTTP headers I have to do it with a <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="${csp}"> tag in the HTML. That's working fine and the way I do it is that I have a script that looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require("fs");
const crypto = require("crypto");

const CSP_TEMPLATE = `
default-src 'none';
connect-src 'self';
img-src 'self' https://*;
script-src 'self'%SCRIPT_HASHES%;
style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
font-src 'self' data:;
manifest-src 'self'

const htmlFile = process.argv[2];
if (!htmlFile) throw new Error("missing file argument");
let html = fs.readFileSync(htmlFile, "utf8");

let hashes = "";
let csp = CSP_TEMPLATE;
const matches = html.match(/<script>.*<\/script>/g);
if (matches) {
  matches.forEach(scriptTag => {
    const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256");
    hash.update(scriptTag.replace(/<script>/, "").replace("</script>", ""));
    const digest = hash.digest("hex");
    hashes += ` 'sha256-${digest.toString("base64")}'`;
csp = csp.replace(/%SCRIPT_HASHES%/, hashes);

const metatag = `
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="${csp}">
  .replace(/\n/g, "")
if ( > -1)
  throw new Error("already has CSP metatag in HTML");
const anchor = '<meta charset="utf-8">';
const newHtml = html.replace(anchor, `${anchor}${metatag}`);
fs.writeFileSync(htmlFile, newHtml, "utf8");

Laugh all you like at my hurried node scripting but it works. It finds any <script>ANYTHING</script> tags (which means it disregards any <script src="... tags), calculates a sha256 hash string out of it and then puts that into the CSP block.

The output becomes something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
      content="default-src 'none';script-src 'self' 'sha256-bb84aa7f904e73495b9e99f08531053f3a86f3c1b2e232e3abbac252bf723f1f';">

I don't know if I've done it right but at least what didn't use to work now works; the page loads in my browsers now.

An awesome snippet to web performance test a page programmatically

October 1, 2018
0 comments Web development, JavaScript, Web Performance

I found this in an issue discussing measuring page performance with puppeteer and it's pure gold. Especially because it's so accessible and easy to use.

Here's the code:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

async function run() {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  await page.goto('');

  console.log('\n==== performance.getEntries() ====\n');
    await page.evaluate(() =>
      JSON.stringify(performance.getEntries(), null, '  ')

  console.log('\n==== performance.toJSON() ====\n');
    await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(performance.toJSON(), null, '  '))

  console.log('\n==== page.metrics() ====\n');
  const perf = await page.metrics();
  console.log(JSON.stringify(perf, null, '  '));



Network waterfall Google Chrome

When you run it you get this output:
To run it you need to have a decently up-to-date version of puppeteer installed.

I don't claim (far from it actually!) to understand all the metrics points in there but I believe this is basically what the Network panel in the Google Chrome Dev tools is built upon. But some details and facts are easy to figure out and use in your analysis. For example, the fact that the getEntries() lists all the resources that had to be downloaded in the order they were downloaded. Also, at the end of getEntries() you get the first-paint which is often a useful metric.

Anyway, give it a spin. Wrap this up in a platform and see if you can build something really simple and really tailored to your web projects web performance testing.

Merge two arrays without duplicates in JavaScript

September 20, 2018
0 comments JavaScript

Here's how you do it if you don't care about the order:

const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const array2 = [2, 3, 4];
console.log([ Set([...array1, ...array2])]);
// prints [1, 2, 3, 4]

It merges two arrays first. Then it creates a set out of that merged array and lastly convers the set back out to an array.

I searched for a solution and all I found was dated or wrong. This oneliner works and I'm using it to make it possible to add a list of product versions to another list and I don't want to mutate existing arrays because of React state stuff.

If you want to see the ES5 version, check out this Babel repl.

A darn good search filter function in JavaScript

September 12, 2018
8 comments Web development, JavaScript

Demo here. The demo uses React and a list of blog post titles that get immediately filtered when you type in a search. I.e. you have the whole list but show less when a search term is entered.

That the demo uses React isn't important. What's important is the search function. It looks like this:

function filterList(q, list) {
  function escapeRegExp(s) {
    return s.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
  const words = q
    .map(s => s.trim())
    .filter(s => !!s);
  const hasTrailingSpace = q.endsWith(" ");
  const searchRegex = new RegExp(
      .map((word, i) => {
        if (i + 1 === words.length && !hasTrailingSpace) {
          // The last word - ok with the word being "startswith"-like
          return `(?=.*\\b${escapeRegExp(word)})`;
        } else {
          // Not the last word - expect the whole word exactly
          return `(?=.*\\b${escapeRegExp(word)}\\b)`;
      .join("") + ".+",
  return list.filter(item => {
    return searchRegex.test(item.title);

In action
I use this in a single-page content management app. There's a list of records and a search input. Every character you put into the search bar updates the list of records shown.

What it does is that it allows you to search texts based on multiple whole words. But the key feature is that the last word doesn't have to be whole. For example, it will positively match "This is a blog post about JavaScript" if the search is "post javascript" or "post javasc". But it won't match on "pos blog".

The idea is that if a user has typed in a full word followed by a space, all previous words needs to be matched fully. For example if the input is "java " it won't match on "This is a blog post about JavaScript" because the word java, alone, isn't in the search text.

Sure, there are different ways to write this but I think this functionality is good for this kind of filtering search. A different implementation would have a function that returns the regex and then it can be used both for filtering and for highlighting.

Hope it helps.