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Luis mtz

Does someone know the name of an old Sinatra song that goes like
There’s no way I can deny the magic of you
All i know is i believe on the way you make me feel

Mr Mozza

Looking for an upbeat song with cool non-standard bass line - heard on ANZ hold music!

Main lyrics were youve been gone so long, im losing steam, look at what youre doing.. just bring your body back home...

Any suggestions?


The lyrics you gave matches this song :
Wax - Bridge to your Heart

Kevin Skubal

Looking for brettney black Ford please call Kevin at motel6 in pueblo Colorado rm #229


Hey, I can't find this song.
It's about a princess who runs away from her castle into the dark, scary forest and meets someone who tells her that she'll be safe with them. Also, something about running specifically I think?

(My brain keeps thinking it's "Alone" by Alan Walker for some reason-)


Lily - by Alan Walker (?)


Yes! Thank you😊


HELP! I’m looking for this song. it’s by I believe 3 European women (i think they’re sisters). a band. i cannot remember their name but they make lo-fi/distorted music. the title of the song is in the lyrics but it’s the part of the lyrics I can’t remember.

This is what I can remember:
“I am dancing with this guy just to pretend I’m fine…”

Then the bridge/chorus (not sure the term) goes

“all I’m asking is you to make a move”


Hey guy's please help I'm looking for this old deep house song that I heard on Radio I only remember small parts of the lyrics it's goes like 'All over the world voices call my name asking' that's the first part I remember and second part goes like 'Round and round we go' and that's all I remember and it's has the Blue six time of sound if anyone knows this song please help me out

Nathan Carson

Eiffel 65 - I'm blue


Help me out guys, looking for a song from i believe the 00s, female singer, I'd say pop/dance. The part I remember could be the intro or chorus, but I do recall there's a pause or very quiet music with it, the words are quite soft and slow. I'm sure it was a popular song back in its time, heard it pretty recently too.

The words are probably wrong but it goes like:
"no you, no way
There's nothing that I can say"


hmm could be "Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" by Lady Gaga


i'm looking for a country song heard in Walgreens August 2022, its a fast tempo song with lyrics, male vocals
...friday night
...standing in line


Rock Star - Nickleback


Hi I heard this song today and Shazam didn’t find it.
Some lyrics are « My girl is so amazing »
« I can’t wait to kiss/feel her lips »
« I can’t wait till we’re together »

I remember it’s mentioned at some point that she’s so amazing because she rides a motorcycle or something?

The singer sounds like Weird Al


Hi, 80s song. Male singer. He sings about the time he carried your books at school. It's not my eyes adore you. Thanks.


UB40 homely girl


Hi bit of a desperate attempt here but there's an old country song that I just can't find and nowhere seems to know of it's existence.
I remember a few of the lyrics so hopefully someone out there knows what I'm talking about.

"Take me home, take me home. Lord I've been gone for so long. Take me home, take me home. Mommy and daddy are waiting to take me home."
Final Verse
"The years have not been kind,(this part is a guess, the rest I'm pretty sure of) and somewhere I went astray, now in this lonely prison, I'm down to my last day, for they'll strap me in that chair and I'll pay for all my wrongs, while momma and daddy wait outside, to take me home."


Take Me Home by Boxcar Willie!

Nathan Forester

I am looking for the title of a synth song from the early to late 80s, it's by a male band and the style is very much similar to Bronski Beat or OMD or similar bands and I remember parts of the lyrics like 'striking when the iron's hot' 'waiting for your voice to command' 'come back into my life, i need you in my life/can't you see i'm right, come back'. I remember listening to it along while back but don't remember the title, I seem to maybe 'make your choice' being a lyric in the song and I seem to think it was China Crisis singing it


party people Everytime i look into your eyes everything you want my baby we go shake the world korean nananana

Chloe Ellis

Looking for EDM song I heard on the radio.. Just caught the end of it.
Beautiful electronic (cinamatic vibes) and then I heard the lyrics learn to swim before I fly and song gone


Why do we shake in the cold ? - by Elderbrook


Hi, looking for a song,late 90s early 2000s song goes like (you've got everything or we've got everything)it beats and tunes sounds like Janet Jackson's got till it's gone.anybody got a clue?

Matthew Lee McKenzie- mc trips or trip -Matt elite emcee- elite one

Soldier be mc trip Bendigo


Just a crazy thought, maybe you are thinking of Counting Crow's version of "Big Yellow Taxi"?


Might be a stretch but could be Everything by Mary j Blige


i just want you to know there's nothing i wouldn't do you already know that i love you. does anyone know what this song is i’ve searched the lyrics on youtube but can’t find it, i’m pretty sure it’s a house music/pop song


Sunshine / by Tieks (?)


I'm looking for a song by female rock singer.
It starts with words "Just stay down..."
And in chorus she sings "You're beautiful haaa..."


You are, You are - by The Rocket Summer


OMG thank you soo much!!!!!!!!!
I looked for the song for 6 years!
You are my hero 💙💙💙💙💙


she said the flowers need some rain and that's why I have come back again and she said I hate to see you cry so close your eyes and dream of me tonight


Flowers In The Rain - The Move
(I think)


I am looking for a song that i cant find its name was trip or trippin by some lil raper guy it went like ive been making plays all day and you can say that i am great i am never pushing too much weight it never feels safe i am not trippin am just sippin all the packs


R Kelly? Sorry, i jest


Lupe Ficasco?


I'm looking for a song by female rock singer.
It starts with "Just stay down..."
In chorus she sing "You're beautiful"


I've been looking for the name of this song for a couple of days. It's a girl with ad-libs and guitar. It sounds Indi, crystal castles vibes almost.

bees knees

Sounds like "Running up that hill (a deal with god)" by Kate Bush


The only lines I remember are
“Feelin good, feeling good, feeling like I should”
“Oh what a feeling”
It’s not Sunday best.


Looking for a 90s type house/ dance song..with the lyrics

 :’’you think you need a little love….be what you want to be’’
 (or need to be )?


Need A Little Love - The Fratellis (?????)


Thank you but no I actually found it in the meantime.. Kristine w - feel what you want. Happy new year!


idk how to comment so i'll just reply i'm looking for a song that goes "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, Never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"


Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley

Pedro Dominguez

Trying to find the song to these lyrics:

If I wanted to see you I'd have to walk the whole way
And you will never meet half way
And you will never meet me in the middle
And if I wanted to see you I'd have to buy you breakfast
And you would steal my sweater and spill something on it...
But you have a way of reminding me of what I miss
But I don't miss the way my heart feels like it's in my throat
And I don't miss the way you always tear up my clothes
And if you need protection, I need a distraction to...
I need a distraction to completly ignore you


Got heaps of bass and he goes well Wong


I need help with a song i dont remember muc of the words but i know its a musical or somwwhere close
When i heard it its a womens voice singin
She says something is never what you find or
Something is never what you want i dont remember
But she holds out the never so its like neeeverrr what you
I think shes latina or something around that


Try "Never Enough" by Loren Allred. It's from The Greatest Showman.


Omg ok ok this song has just been on my mind foreverrrr. I need someone to at least tell me the name.

So the song is a Christian song, but more like ballad type. I’m 99% sure the person that sang the song was a black woman. So all I remember is these lyrics.

We are, we are subjects of time and space
We are, we are child that drifted too far
Sometimes we lose and forget just how fragile we are

Please for the love of everything please find me that song 😭


This may not be the song you're looking for but you could try Fragile by Tasha Page-Lockhart .




I am searching for a song with the lyrics „oh i'll face all these things but without you it wouldn't be right“ from legacies 4x10


The song may be called Wouldn't be Right by Anna Schulze , Colyer .. but I wasn't able to find it on YouTube. You may want to Google this in case I missed something: S4E10 The story of my Life - Legacies Soundtrack


can someone help me find a song by “peezy” or featuring him? there’s a lyric that’s like “grab a pyrex jar and put __” it’s been stuck in my head all day

isaac bauer

full powers on


I’m looking for a song it’s an old song but I don’t remember the lyrics the only thing I remember is a woman’s voice saying ahh you love me. But it’s a old rap song.

Megan Pye

Can anyone name this song? It sounded like an old shanty song, at the beginning the man introduces the song stating it’s over 250years old.

It’s well known, a fast song and the in the chorus I’m sure if has three recurring words which are said and then repeated backwards. I.E rum, drum, humb, humb, drum, rum. Something like that. It’s not Wellerman or drunken sailor.

I don’t have much to go in but it’s driving me crazy!

Nathan Carson

Yo, Ho! (A Pirate's Life For Me) is all I can come up with.


bruh you posted this on my birthday

C Mac

The Longest Johns had one called My Son John.


help me... I heard this song off a boombox or smth and it sounded electric and had autotune and I remember it saying somewhere in the song "I cant" and Idk what the song is but it sounded like 2000 to 2015 or smth

bees knees

First thing that comes to mind is "I can't stop" by Flux Pavilion (matches your electronic/autotune description and the lyrics)

Jo C

I think we’re thinking of the same song!


Sung by a girl most likely 2000s
Goes something like
Not alot of happy and not alot of sad not alot of good and not alot of bad
With a strong beat!! I tried everything helpppppp

Courtney white

I’m trying to find this old school song it might be 60’s or 70’s but it’s R&B (bare with me I faintly know these lyrics) and it’s goes something like:

————— I wanna let you know just how I feel
It’s been a long time yeaaa
 I —— want to love yaaa
——- for the rest of ma life awww yeaaa

Then the back vocals comes in like
I wannnnt (I WANT TO LOVE!) tooooo loveee

And after that I can’t make out the lyrics in my head lol but throughout the song there’s backup vocals and I believe the main chords is a guitar


I've looked for this song everywhere and all I find are gacha trends? Here are the lyrics I know :
Some fake little kid voice:Mommy are angels flying?
Mom: yeah there flying. Why?
Kid: daddy called nanny an angel. When. Will she. Fly
Mom: in short time
Its a pretty techno-y song automated sounding song and after the lyrics this music part (maybe in another language?) If anybody knows what this song is please reply!


I looked for a few minutes and all I could find where short memes to this song. The techno song you hear in the background is called : In de Ghetto by Crystal Waters if that helps you any.

kalle niechholz

in the ghetto mby ayo and theo


darling you are, because you leave me stoned for a while, following my mind

Scott Sincavitch

Im trying to find a song that would have been popular in the mid 2010's, alternative-ish, and some of the lyrics are "I can hardly breathe" and "im the hungry shark" and yea, I know. Not much to go on, but I have been looking for like a year now. Any help will be appreciated!


Lydia / by Highly Suspect (?)


Sounds like Right Thurr by Chingy


so i need help findin a song heres the lyrics it got :

red shooter i squeeze no shake up when we get on yo ass can't shake up

lmk if yall know , its rap


How did I make it thur, How did I overcome all that I been thur now I know and I realize all the time it was you.


I'm looking for a song sung by a man. I only know one line: ahh/ohh woman. It is a very calm song and even though the male voicemail is deep, the text is sung high. It is kind of calm house/lofi. Can anyone help me?


Looking for a recent country song that is a guy singing about telling his girlfriend he loved her and then she "switches things up" (not the words but he says something to that cincept) and she asks him how much...the chorus is his response to her...


Could it be Forever by Randy Travis? It's just him singing no woman but he implies in a line, kind of close to the chorus line
 "I'm gonna love you forever, forever and ever amen, as long as old men sit and talk about the weather, as long as old women sit and talk about old men, if you wonder how long I'll be faithful just listen to how this song ends, I'm gonna love you forever and ever forever and ever amen"

Good luck! I hope 🤞 this is the song but let me know if not.


No, I do know that song...
I'll re-explain better...basically, the song is a male country singer and it goes (these are in my words so the meaning is the same I just can't remember the actual words):

When I tell you I love you,
You threw me a curveball when you asked how much,
(and then it goes into the chorus)
(Something like...)
I love you to the moon and back...
(And then me cute things, but I can't remember)


Help! Looking for an old song that starts, every time I walk somewhere, it seems like I don't know ....


I’m trying to figure out what the song is on the first two minutes or so if this video.


Not completely sure but try " From this Valley" by The Civil Wars


I am looking for a hit pop song somewhere between 2006-2014. Starts with bass getting more and more intense and then before the lyrics start, the singer starts shouting/singing 'ou ou ou ooou ou ou ou ooou ou'. Male voice. Not sure if solo or band.


Radioactive imagine dragons maybe?


Actually I found it. Until June-Sleepless
But thank u anyway!

kalle niechholz



I am looking for a song which I think has a children's choir on it. The chorus goes "Star of the sea, have mercy on me".
I feel like this was sung by a rock band like The Polyphonic Spree or Flaming Lips but possibly it was less well-known than this?
Google gives me mostly hymns with these lyrics. Any other early 2000s indie rock nerds remember this one?

Barbara L Piatt

Maybe "Waiting for the Day" by Gerry Rafferty?


PLEASE HELP MEEEEEE! Looking for a late 70's early 80's R&B song. A woman is singing it I don't remember any of the verses or the chorus but she ad libs saying: "you can't treat me like a little girl cause, I've been all around the world and I'm older now" and that's all I got. Thanks in advance!!

kalle niechholz

ni**as in paris by jay-z and kanye west


Betty Wright, She’s Older Now

amani warren

bro okay it’s this song i heard like five years ago. it’s about this guy that’s super lonely and i saw the music video. it’s with a guy in a dark house all by himself blah blah blah. it’s with this animation that’s almost like it’s drawn with all the scribbles you know? but i remember him whispering in the song “don’t you cry no more, don’t you cry, don’t you cry…” i’m prolly making no sense but i’ll PAY for someone to find it.


Carry on Wayward Son - Kansas ?




I can't find this one song and it's killing me it has this red lyric cover with two people on it and the only lyric I can remember (sorry this is weird) but it literally screams the word sex for a good minute it has a nice beat please help..


could it be sex by rich the kid?


Im looking for one song. In the video there was man who looked like st Patrick and around him was womens in sexy clothes. No lyrcis just were violins but pop style. The song was around 2009.


Are you hungarian?


Alexander Rybak - Fairytale ?


i heard a song a year ago i still remember some lyrics but i am not able to find it the song name is 'you' but never appear
it is indie like song it says "i ve been thinking my whole life of you ......... but every...... lead me straight to youuuuuu"
those the lyrics i remember i really like the song i want to listen to it again


I just made a reply so you can think that this is an actual response, but it isn't


Thanks bud


Looking for a song with first line "I went to jail for beating my baby and the judge gave me 90 days" mid 1950

kalle niechholz

Mero-Baller Los


Hello everyone. I tried using shazam and music recognition to find this song, but didn't have any luck. I would be grateful for your help.


SparroX - Be Your Mine

Marlow Thomas

I'm so In Love With You,

I can't remember, who sings it.

I love my jaycee, like I love my pa in heaven, but Katie brakes my heart.


Amazed- Lonestar?


Calling You by Blue October


rap lyrics for song I can not find we got it we got it game starts from the back of a honda drippin in sauce shorty wan make the pasta gotta stay strapped with a pistol in pocket cause baby I rock from the waist when its hostile


Shazam gives no match, the only audio proof I have of this song even existing is a meme I found on discord. There's no lyric match online and I cant find any match on any streaming service. Maybe im not looking hard enough but brother you and me are the last proof I can find of this song online.


looking for a song that starts off as "I'll never smile again" by tommy dorsey and frank sinatra, but then turns into a lofi kind of song?

Nathan Carson

Maybe just "Smile" written by Charlie Chaplin, first sang by Nat King Cole.


looking for an alternative rock song that has the lyrics either “fear I’ll never be more than what’s around lately” or “i never want to be anything more than what I’ve been lately” the song has to be alternative. it’s not garth brooks or any of the top hits on google or apple music and I mostly listen to alternative

Music Fan

Gavin DeGraw - I Don't Want To Be


I have this song suck in my head it it goes because magazines have editor"and has the same beat as birthday cake by dylan corique sooo yeah.

Dan Mubwandarikwa

I am looking for a rock song with the lyrics "The first to come the last to go".The band sounds like Krokus but they are not.Probably a late 90s song


I'm looking for what I assume to be an old song, an old dance pop/funk song I'm assuming? I heard it on Princeton's college radio but couldn't find it on the internet or through Shazam. The singer is a woman. I have quite a few of the lyrics, the chorus is mostly focused around the word “dance”. The song is also unusually long.

"i think that we danced and it was long ago and you must be that someone that i know danced how we danced

it seems to be from very long ago it makes me dream of someone i should know dance i think that i have seen him once before dance

"But don’t make the music stop or we'll be forced to speak / And I will find you’re not the one I seek / So dance"


There's some music video of a woman dancing in the desert then flying around in the sky, can't remember it for the life of me I think she had the word 'earth' in her artist name. It's a really weird strange song I just can't figure it out

Queen unknown

I've heard a song in a commecial. I tried searching for it on Google, but no luck. Some of the lyrics are: "not a care in the world our heart so pure. See all I wanna do is hang out with you."(I think the next line is you're the best buddy in/of my life, but I'm not sure) Can someone help me? It's a male singer.

Taylor Chancy

I am trying to find a song that goes "she like the way I roll in bed"
I can't remember much of the lyrics, but the music video was in like a warehouse with a lot of cars and rolls royce cars, with a guy and a girl singing and it is like a gangster rap type of song so can somebody help me pleaseeeee


I’m looking for a song late 50s or 60s
R&B, male.
Lyrics: I’m just a man who’s lonely and blue
Somebody help me to make life worth living
Uhh, uhh , aah

Ben Edwards

Paul Anka, I’m just a lonley Boy;


Hi, trying to find a song from the 80s. Part of the lyrics is,
carried your books at school (it's not my eyes adore you). Thanks in advance.


Homely Girl -UB40 ?


year? no idea. he sings. They go in a club on monday and drink some more bull. He's lucky cause she knows how to dance. He love how they look at her.The music video was sw. Like Arcitc Monkeys (but not so punk) like the kooks (but not so sweet) like mando diao but not so mando diao. please. its making me insane.


It almost sounds like a scene from a song Jeff Healey's "Angel Eyes"


I'm looking for the sample of this song here

Ursula Schobermayr

looking for a song heard on 21.10.2022 in Bettys diagnose on Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen on 19.25 p.m.
Can someone help me please?

Ursula Schobermayr

Yes, this is the song I was Looking for. Thank you soo much!


I am looking for a gangster rap song that goes "she like the way I roll in bed" I think it is by a rapper that starts with a k or something the music video is in a warehouse with a lot of expensive cars and also rolls royce with a guy with black hair singing and also a girl. it flips back and forth all throughout the video and I cannot find it anywhere so can someone help meeeee.
i saw it on youtube and then my brother clicked off it and now I really want it back but I cannot find it
thanks in advance!!


Im trying to find an rnb song from the 90s or 00s that is sung by a female and then at the second half of the song a man starts singing with a growly gospel like tone that I thinks sings "I just wanna I just wanna..." with a run on the I. Trying to put down all I can remember. Does anyone know what song im talking about?

Angjee T Douangphoumy

You are the reason


Please help. I cannot remember this song for the life of me. It's basically about the singer telling us how the world is or something like that. I only remember like maybe blurry faces ? Faces passing? I'm about to go crazy. It's quite an old school song with a lullaby-ish kinda sound, i think.


I'll put 6 songs. Can you reply if your song sounds anything like these:
1. 7 Seconds - Neneh Cherry & Youssou N'Dour
2. '74-'75 - The Connells
3. Cherish - Kool & The Gang
4. Baker Street - Gerry Rafferty
5. The Logical Song - Supertramp
6. Sweet Lullaby - Deep Forest
EDIT - just saw another possible one - The Way It Is - Bruce Hornsby
also The Living Years - Mike & The Mechanics
and Another Day In Paradise - Phil Collins


lol, a couple more that came to mind:
Don't Panic - Coldplay
Age Of Reason - Dragon (original), John Farnham (cover)

Angjee T Douangphoumy

Michael bible: the same cafe or Georgia


Does it sound anything like 7 Seconds by Youssou N'Dour & Neneh Cherry?

Ben Edwards

Gut feeling about how our neural network remembers actual lyrics when it’s being stimulated with the different timbres and major/minor/pentatonic frequencies of musical themes: Constant Craving K D Lang. Way out there.


I am leaning towards "Mad World" by Tears for Fears or cover by Gary Jules.


Ahhh yes, good guess, I think you nailed it. Probably the cover by Gary Jules.

pls help this song has been stuck in my subconscious for years

i need help finding this song from around 2017-2019 that was on soundcloud. it was a indie lofi track with male vocals, which were a bit distorted. i think the backing track was acoustic and it contained the lyrics: "i don't know why but i love you and hate you."

i cant find anything on it, and i'm pretty sure the original artist deleted it, but if anyone can provide a name (the track, the artist, etc) i'd be forever in your debt.


is it "i hate you cause I love you" by valerie warntz?
or "I hate you I love you" by gnash and olivia o brien?

Henrik Andersson

please help me. im looking for a song from ca 1972-1974. is a rock/glam/pop song- male singer

beautiful love a-a-a-a aaaa
kissing your body kissin your lips
got a crazy feeling movin througt my hips/head
rollin over you.. rollin over me
a know you take it baby baby i can se

beautiful love a-a-a-a aaaaaaa

movin on honey movin on good
movin on baby like you shoud
shake ----- ------ ------ spinnin top
keep it going now dont you stop


Hi- looking for an r&b song with a female lead singing "time to go" sharply with soprano background vocals singing it as she sings. It used to be the closing song of a weekly radio program that played r&b songs from 70s, 80s, and 90s until midnight. I have been trying to find it for years.


You might want to try the song: Goodnight Sweetheart by The Platters. It's been a popular closing song through the years.


which every thing I pray come baby show me, there is a voice of shaggy and a lady

Andy Wakeman

Hi. Had a song stuck in my head from the '70s (roughly 1974/5) when I was growing up. It's a male singer, lot's of piano and violins. The lyrics I can remember start with (and I'm not 100% on this)

T'was the 4th of July when she captured my eye and the sun it was sinking

The only other bit was about her turning his boy into a man


maybe Summer the first time by Bobby Goldsboro


Thanks. That was exactly the song. Damn I misrembered the lyrics, but not now. Cheers

Luke Maher

Hi really need help finding a drill song it goes something like “do no harm, came from a farm” something kike that sorry it’s not much hahah

Olive maher.

Is that Luke Maher from Kilmacow?

Sophia Strutz

Hi, I remember an 80s (?) song (mainly) by a male singer with a few others in the chorus, and lyrics that went:
"Where did she go
Did anybody see her
You don't know how much I need her
You can't see like I can see that she's funny.
(Funny ha-ha?)
No, no, funny peculiar.
She might not seem strange to you
But you don't know what she can do
She's funny
(Funny girl)
(Funny ha-ha)
Any help in finding it would be very much appreciated!


“Funny Peculiar” by 29 Palms

Sophia Strutz

Yes! That's it!! Thank you so much! :-)

Anonymous at 0:10


Symphony of Destruction • Megadeth


I’m looking for a song that kind of goes “love you, and at last it counts, you won’t even need me ohhh love me” it is sung by a woman. It almost echos in the song and had a harmonic tone to the song.


PLS HELP ME i heard this song on the radio it sounded like a 2010-2016 pop rnb?? song, like along the genre of chris brown, drake, jay sean, jason derulo. the chorus had the lyrics "smth smth down" then it was followed by "smth smth follow". It sounded like a song you could play in a party or celebration, like the song "2012".

Dave Walsh

Are you possibly talking about "Down" by Jay Sean?


i‘m looking for a song with a female voice and a pretty club type beat almost like house if I describe it correctly, and the lyrics are „Ba Ba Boy Please Don‘t Call Cause I Wanna Be Alone Now…“
I heard it in the radio in the gym and can‘t find it anywhere


Try "Boy Bye" by Helly Luv

Albert Bonongwe

Mine is not an opinion, I am looking for a song with a female and a male voice, the male one sounds like Charly Black. The song has "I dont know what you heard about me" but it is reggae or dance hall


I'm looking for a song that goes you know what its like when you wanna gocry but u cant let out all the feelings inside... and so on can u helppp


Im looking for a song that i heard a couple of years back. It might not even have been released, just a demo or whatever. I think the title was Blinded but im not sure. Its a punk-rock song. Chorus lyrics kinda go along the lines of

Yesterday, isnt the same as today,
Caught between ///cant remember
Just stand behind me, only if you thought I walked away
Cause yesterday isnt the same as today.


Could be "Yesterday" by Lil Peep


I'm looking for a song with a male singing voice that goes: "goodbye goodbye goodbye" two times in a row and you can hear a background voice saying "one two" beforehand. It probably would've came out in 2009 or circa the early 2010s


I need help finding two songs

1.”now I know what a ______ but if you kiss me” by wham about “semi frontiers” reminds me of woodpeckers from space


I think they're both Last Christmas by Wham

1. "now I know what a fool I've been, but if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again"

2. "this year, to save me from tears (semi-frontiers), I'll give it to someone special"

Axilleas kritikos

I m looking for a dance song 00's lyrics you makes my dreams come true I wonder why is it in your eyes or is it in my mind

Madela MN

I would appreciate it if you guys help me find a song I heard +4 years ago.

It's a song about cheating love, firstly sung by a female singer, and later joined by a male singer. At the halfway point, the song's lyrics were about how they saw/see each other at a crossroads in their own cars. Has cursing (if I remember correctly)

I found this song on youtube, and it was a lyrics music video on a black background. I believe it was a shorter (less than 3 minutes) unofficial song because I was searching for other types of music videos and I could only find the same lyrics video. Most likely made by a famous female singer.


This sounds like "Picture" by Sheryl Crow feat. Kid Rock.


Dance track is. Artist- Milk inc. /Title. In my eyes.


Heelp! I'm looking for a lo-fi artis which released on YoUTube a song called Portland. I remember a picture of this song on youtube - stairs down illuminated by street lamps.

Bread Anonymous

I think it was LoFi Girl


ahh grandson i see you master the style of no style well i mastered the style of kung kung fu - dose anyone know the name to this song that line is from the intro


Looking for a song that has these two phrases “and I knoww” “daddy issues”. That’s all I can remember from the lyrics. It’s not the one by the neighborhood or Demi Lobato, but it is dang by a young woman. I think the “daddy issues” part goes like “all my daddy issues” something like that. I heard it on tik tok and forgot to save the sound.


Might be “gone my way” by Mia morris


Lauren Spencer, fingers crossed


Does anyone know this song it’s from the 2000’s it goes “girl I can give you anything you want it’s fine with me cuz baby I love ya don’t wanna hurt ya”


Might be Mario “Let me Love You”

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